Wren is a diminutive of the name Wretha, which means “the bird.” Wrens are tiny songbirds that do not migrate and live in various places throughout the United States. They have been admired for their beauty and musicality since ancient times. While Wren is a popular name, it can be difficult to find the perfect middle name for Wren. Sometimes finding good middle names for wren may be difficult, but this list of unique middle names will help you find the perfect option.
We have compiled this list of 150 beautiful and unique ideas that are sure to please!
150 Middle Name Ideas For Wren
Abigail is a Hebrew name that means “my father’s joy.”
Adalaide is a middle name of Wren which means “nobly beautiful.”
Addison is an English surname that comes from the place name Adriana. In Latin, the meaning of this place name is composed of the ad “at” and Riana “riverbank.”
Middle names for Wren that are feminine and sweet.
Anastasia is a Russian name that means “resurrection.”
Arden is a place name that means “eagle valley.”
Aria is an Italian word that means “to sing,” or the classical term for solo songs.
Ashlyn is an English unisex name derived from two words: ash (tree) and lyn (lake). This middle name can be used as both feminine and masculine middle names for Wren.
Aspen is found in many countries around Europe, where it refers to several species of tree belonging to the genus Populus. The meaning of this middle name comes from the Old English word æspein, which means “aspen tree.”
Aubrie is an Old French name and means “elf warrior.” This middle name has many nicknames, including Aube, Aubie, and Aubry.
Audrey is an English name derived from the Old French word Audrie, meaning “the hunt” or “huntress.” It has been used as a given name in the United States since the 1920s.
Belle is a French name that means “beautiful, good, and nice.”
Bennett originates from the English surname, which was derived from a diminutive of Benedict. The meaning of this middle name comes from the Latin word Benedictus, which means “blessing.”
Blaire is an English unisex middle name that comes from blare, meaning “shout, outcry or sound of a horn.” It has been used as both a masculine and feminine middle name for Wren.
Briar is an English place name that originally meant “place where the brushwood grows thickly” in Old English.
Middle names for wren that sound unique and sleek. The meaning of this name comes from the French word Brie, which means “a district in Paris.” It has been used as a given name since the 1980s.
Brooke is an English unisex name derived from Broc (stream) or brōca (raven). This middle name can be used both as masculine and feminine middle names for Wren.
Brooklyn was once just a surname, but now it’s considered its own separate middle name with many nicknames, including Brookie, Bklyn, and Bronte.
Bryn is a Welsh name that means “hill.”
Cadence is a middle name that means “rhythm, beat, or rate.”
Calliope is a Greek muse who personifies epic poetry, eloquence, and rhetoric. The origin of this middle name derives from Kalliopeia, which means “beautiful voice.”
Carina is derived from Latin for “keel of a ship” or “small boat.” This middle name sounds similar to Wren and can be spelled as one word: Karina.
The meaning of Carmen is a song or poem. This middle name has many nicknames, including Car, Mimi, and Rennie.
Caroline is an English feminine name that means “man.” It was originally a medieval short form of Carolus.
Cassidy is an Irish surname that may also be used as a feminine middle name for Wren. Its origin lies in Gaelic caisideach, meaning “musician.”
Celeste originates from the Latin word meaning “heavenly.” It has been used as both feminine and masculine middle names for Wren.
Chandler is a surname that was derived from a Middle English term for candle maker. The meaning of this middle name comes from the French word chandelier, which alludes to various other occupations involving candles or light bulbs, including candlestick and lamp maker.
Claire is a French unisex middle name that was derived from Clara. The meaning of this middle name comes from Clarus, which means “clear” or “famous.”
Clover is an English plant name used as the middle name for Wren, usually in the United States and Canada since the 2000s.
The word Coco was brought back by sailors after visiting India in 1698 during the British East India Company’s trade with China.
This French feminine name means “young girl.” It became popular after being borne by Saint Colette, who founded the order of nuns known as the Colettines in France in 1406.
Cora is a Latin name that means “maiden.”
Cordelia originates in Latin, and another language used to write early modern English is called Cornish. In both languages, it came into use during the middle of the 20th century and meant “heart.”
Cortland is a unisex name from an English surname derived from several place names in France. The meaning of this middle name comes from landa, which means “field, plain; level ground.”
Cyma may be used as a middle name for Wren, and its origins are in Greek mythology. It was the nymph of Mount Kyme.
Dahlia comes from the flower named after Swedish botanist Andreas Dahl, who introduced them to Europe in 18th century France. The meaning of this middle name comes from Persian, which means “to know.”
Daisy is an English nickname for Margaret most likely derived from Italian Margherita because it became popular during Queen Victoria’s reign where flowers symbolized this queen’s innocence and beauty by being similar to “daisies.”
Daphne originates in Greek mythology and French literature, where it came into use during the middle part of the 20th century. In both cases, it meant “laurel tree.”
Darcy has been used as the middle name for Wren in the United States since 1914. The meaning of this middle name is not entirely clear. Still, it has been suggested that it was originally derived from place names in Normandy, Picardy, or Flanders.
Delainey might be considered to have French origins because it sounds similar to L’Enfant la Nuit. However, there are no known records of its usage before 2000, so its true origin is unclear.
Dominic is a given middle name of Spanish origin which means “man from the Lord.”
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Eden, found in many European languages, means “fertile land.” This middle name originated in Hebrew culture around 2000 B.C.
Eleanor is of Greek origin, and it means “light.” It made its way into Middle English via France, where Eleanor of Aquitaine introduced it to England upon her marriage to Henry II.
Elisabeth is a middle name for Wren used in the United States since at least 1880. The meaning of this middle name comes from Hebrew, which means “my God has sworn” or perhaps more simply, “God’s promise.”
Emerson originates as an English surname, and it derives from Erasmus, a Dutch theologian during the Reformation period.
Everett is both a middle name for Wren and a masculine middle name of English origin. It first appeared as an English surname derived from the place called Everard’s Tree. The meaning of this middle name comes from Old French evere, which means “ever” or “eternal, everlasting.”
Ezra is a middle name for Wren and a given middle name with origins in Hebrew culture, meaning “help.”
Faith is a Latin given middle name for Wren derived from the English noun faith. This middle name has many nicknames, including Fai, Faye, and Faizah. They also used it in several other languages around Europe during medieval times, meaning “loyalty.”
Felicity originates in Latin, and another language used to write early modern English is called Cornish. In both cases, it came into use during mid 20th century. In Cornish, its meaning meant “good luck,” while in Latin, it came from the word Felicitas, which also means “happiness.”
Fiona is an Old English given middle name for wren that was derived from Fionnaghal. The meaning of these middle names comes from Fionn, which means “fair or white,” and Gal, which means “exalted one.”
Genevieve originates in French as well as another language used to write Middle English called Cornish. In French, this middle name means “white wave,” while in Cornish, its meaning means “woman from the white town.”
Grace is an English feminine middle name of Latin origin derived from the middle name Gracia. The meaning of this comes from gratus, which means “to be pleasing.”
Gracie originated in Scotland as a diminutive form for Grace, and it is also used in Ireland, England, Wales, Australia, and New Zealand. Its definition means “to be pleasing,” just like its sister middle name.
Hannah is a Hebrew given middle name for Wren, which means “favor” or “grace.” This middle name has had many different spellings since it came into use during medieval times.
Harper comes to us via an occupational surname that refers to someone who harps. The meaning of this middle name is “harp player” or “harpist.”
Hazel originated as an Old English given middle name for Wren and appears to have been influenced by the hazel tree, which produces nuts with hard shells surrounding edible seeds within them. The meaning of this middle name comes from haesel, which means “hazel tree,” and haesol, which also implies hazel.
Hope is a Middle English given middle name for Wren derived from the word hop. The meaning of this middle name comes from Old Norse, and it first appeared in Scotland during medieval times where it meant “vision” or “trust.”
Holt originates directly or indirectly from several English place names such as Hampshire, Kent, and Yorkshire. In Middle English, it meant “wood.”
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This Italian name is the feminine form of Isabello, which comes from two separate origins. One origin is Germanic, meaning “precious” or “wealth,” while the other origin is Hebrew, coming to tell “pledged to God.”
Isadora is both a middle name for Wren and another feminine middle name with origins in Greek culture. It came into use after playwright William Shakespeare used this middle name for one of his characters.
Ivy is a Latin given middle name for Wren derived from the English noun Ivy.
Jasmine is a middle name for Wren initially derived from Persian, meaning “gift of God.” In Victorian times, on the other hand, this middle name came to mean “white and pure.
Jensen originates in Denmark, and another language used to write early modern English is called Cornish, where it came into use during mid 20th century.
Jocelyn was an English given middle name for Wren, which comes from two origins: Germanic, meaning “mighty with battle,” or more simply as someone who fought in battles. In contrast, another origin is Latin, meaning “fighter.”
Josephine has been used as a middle name for Wren, and its origins derive from Hebrew, where it means “Jehovah will increase.”
Julia is a Latin given middle name for Wren derived from the Roman family clan of Julii. Its definition comes from Iulius, which meant “of the Julian gens.”
Kara originates in Greek culture, meaning “chaste” or “pure.”
Katherine originated in Greek, making its way into other European languages, including French, during medieval times. In both cases, this middle name means “pure” while continuing to be one of the most popular given middle names for wren throughout Europe since that time.
Kendra originates in Old English, and another middle name used to write Middle English is called Cornish. In both cases, it was derived from the word cendre, which meant “valley.”
Kristin originated in Norway but spread out over Western European countries such as Germany and Sweden by the early 20th century. It became more popular as a middle name for Wren. Its definition came from Christen, which meant “follower of Christ.”
Kyle is an Irish given middle name for Wren that comes directly or indirectly from several Scottish place names such as Glasgow and Renfrewshire. This middle name has two possible meanings: either a narrow strait between islands or someone who lives at the confluence of two rivers.
Lainey comes directly or indirectly from several languages, including Latin and Gaelic, during medieval times when it became the more popular middle name for wren among British-speaking people.
Lana is another middle name that comes directly or indirectly from several Latin-based languages such as French and Spanish. At the same time, continuing to be a popular given middle name for Wren among families originating in Britain since medieval times. It means “land.”
Lark began with the word hlaford, meaning “lord” or lady.
Layla derived from either lailah, an Arabic word which meant “night,” and Alam-meaning “world.”
Leah originated as a Hebrew feminine middle name where its translation meant weary or sad because she would have been born during Rachel’s old age.
Leanne originated as a middle name for girls that was first used by English-speaking people during the middle ages but not very popular. This middle name comes directly or indirectly from several Gaelic words that mean “child.”
Leanne originated as a middle name that was first used by English-speaking people around 1450, with origins going back into Greek culture where it meant “the bright one.”
Leia is another middle name used for girls around 1450 with origins going back into Greek culture. Its definition came from leios which means “bright” or else Laos meaning people.
This Middle English given middle name for Wren first appeared in various forms throughout England during medieval times. The definition behind Leigh originates from Old English Leah, which meant “clearing,” while another definition comes from lieg, which refers to people who lived by marshes.
Leighton comes from the word leac, which means “heath,” and tun, which means “enclosure.”
Leilani originated with the Hawaiian language and was used as a middle name for girls around 1865. Its translation derives either way from lei for “flower” and lani meaning “heaven.”
Leona is another Latin-based middle name used for girls around 1450 with origins going back into Greek culture, where they derived this middle name from Leonnatus. It has been a middle name for Wren and means “lion-like.”
Lena is another middle name that began being used during the middle ages but was not very popular. Its definition is derived either way from lean, meaning “child.”
Lia meant “serf,” while in Cornish, this middle name means “light or torchbearer.
Liam is an Irish middle name for wren that has been in use since the 18th century. Its definition derives from the Gaelic word liath, which means “grey.”
Lila originated in middle English but traveled over middle America to the North American continent by the early 20th century. Its meaning derives directly from the word lille, which meant “little one.”
Lilia is another Latin-based middle name used during the middle ages but not very popular. Its definition is derived either way from lean, meaning “child.”
Lilith derives directly from the Hebrew word lilin, a mythological female character who existed before Eve while widely known as an evil demoness during medieval times.
Lily comes from the Latin word lilium, which means “lily.”
Lola is a middle name for Wren, originally derived from Spanish culture. It came into use after Italian composer Gaetano Donizetti used this middle name for one of his most famous opera characters. The meaning behind Lola is “She was beautiful.”
Lydia is an English name that comes from the Greek place name lýdia. This place-name means “of Lydia,” which refers to a region in western Turkey on the coast of Asia Minor.
Lynn derives directly or indirectly from several place names in England, such as Lancashire, which came through Old English during the middle ages. Its meaning is derived either way from linn, an old Celtic word that means “flax pool” or “lake island.”
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Maeve comes from either Irish Gaelic or Celtic mythology, where she was a queen and goddess but has been seen most commonly among girls since medieval times with origins in England.
Maia originates in Latin, coming to mean both ‘the great mother’ and simply signifying someone who comes from a vital family line or gens (clan).
Malak originates in Arabic culture, where it was used as a middle name for Wren during medieval times. Its meaning derives from the word mu’allaqat, which means “suspended” or “hanging.”
Mallory is a French middle name for Wren that comes directly or indirectly from several place names in France, such as Combray. This middle name has two possible meanings: someone who lives near an apple tree or the township servant responsible for maintaining roads.
Marilee originates in Latin, meaning “resembling the sea.” Its origins derive from Marinus, which means ‘of the ocean.’
Margaret is a middle English given middle name for Wren that comes from the Greek word margarites, which means “pearl.”
Meredith is Welsh for “great lord.” It has been in use as a given name since the 19th century.
Michelina derived into being through the Italian language; however, it remains a middle name for Wren. Its definition comes from the Greek word Michail, meaning ‘who is like God.’
Mila originates directly or indirectly from several Slavic place names such as Belorusian, Polish and Russian. In Middle English, it meant “gracious.”
Natalie originates in Latin and can also be found among girls around the late 19th century with Irish origins. It means “birthday.”
Nadia originates in Middle English but traveled over middle America to the North American continent. Its meaning derives directly from the word Nadia, which meant “hope.”
Nancy derives directly from the Greek word Nanos, which means “man.”
In Middle English, Nina meant “gracious” while continuing to be one of the most common middle names used among girls throughout Europe since medieval times.
Nola originates in Latin, means “from the island.” It became an English given middle name by the 19th century after many European countries joined together into the United States of America.
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Olivia originates with Latin origins where it originally derived its meaning from oliva, which meant “olive tree.”
Ophelia is of Greek origin, and it means “help.” Shakespeare famously used this name for his character, driven mad by love and eventually committed suicide.
Paisley is a middle name for Wren that first appeared in Scotland, where it was used as a middle name for Wren during medieval times. Its definition comes from the Scottish Gaelic word meaning “from the palace” or “homestead.”
Paloma is the Spanish equivalent of Paloma, which originates in middle Latin English, meaning “dove.”
Paola originates directly or indirectly from several Greek place names such as middle English, meaning “Paula.”
Penelope comes from the Greek penélopê, which means “weaver.” This name is most famously associated with the wife of Odysseus in Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey.
Perin originates in English culture. It came into use after parents wanted to honor their children by giving them middle names full of powerful, good meanings behind each name.
Peyton became more common as boys’ first names with origins mainly found within the United States. Its meaning derives directly from pehta, an old English word for “estate.”
Phoebe derives directly from the Greek word phoibos, which means “bright.”
Poppy originates in both Latin and Old French languages where its meaning had two possible meanings: either an edible seed similar to grains like corn, barley, or wheat; or someone who came from this crop.
Rachel originated with Hebrew origins which means “ewe.” It was one of Jacob’s two wives and is considered the ancestress of six of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
Ramona originates in Middle English, meaning “beautiful.”
Reese is a middle name of Wren, which derives from the Welsh language and culture where it came into use after parents wanted their child to have a unique middle name full of positive meanings behind each word. Its definition comes from the Welsh word meaning ‘ardor’ or ‘zeal.”
Riley is the middle name of Wren, which originated in Gaelic culture. This middle name defines itself through the Irish language that means ‘rye farmer.’
Rose is of middle English origins where its meaning referred to the flower.
Rosemary is a middle English given middle name for Wren that has its origins in Latin, where it meant “dew” and later came to mean “remembrance.”
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Sabine comes from Latin origins with several meanings, including “from Syria” or “black.” It was also used as a family name by the mother of Julius Caesar.
Sabrina comes from Middle English, but it also occurs as an alternate spelling for Sabreena, where its translation means “princess” or else serenity.
Samira originates in Arabic, coming to mean “the most beautiful one.” Its origins derive from sariyyah, which means ‘night visitor’ though it can also be defined as someone filled with sadness.
Sasha originated among Russian Jews during medieval times when placed under the ban by Russian tsars, but can also be used more commonly by girls since 19th century England because of its middle English origin in “Iesse” meaning “to heal.”
Scarlett derives directly from the Latin word scarlatum, which means “dark red.”
Sevyn comes from Latin sevilene, which means “a seventh daughter.”
Stefanie is a middle French name for Wren, which comes from Latin Stephanus, which means “crown.”
Stephanie originated with Greek origins where it means “crowned.” It can also mean “garland/wreath.”
Sofia means wisdom in Greek while remaining one of the more common middle names chosen among girls through middle English and Europe since that period.
Sylvia was originally found within Germanic mythology. Still, she later became more popular as a middle English name that means “forest, woods.”
Tara originates with Celtic origins where its meaning was originally derived from târ, which meant “star” or “hill.”
Tatiana originates from Middle English origins where its meaning is derived from “tatiane,” which means “a twin.”
Thea comes from middle English origins, where it means “goddess.”
Thelma originated among Germanic languages, but you can also find it being used more commonly by girls throughout middle English-speaking European countries because of its middle English meaning in “the lime tree.”
Tiffany comes to us through Old French and Latin roots while remaining one of the most common middle names for Wren across Europe since that period.
Valentina originates in Latin middle English, meaning “healthy or strong.”
Vanessa is a middle Latin name for Wren, and it comes directly from the Greek word phánassa.
Vera is of middle eastern origins with meanings including “faith” or “truth.”
Violet has been seen more commonly among middle English origin in “Ieith” meaning “purple.”
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Waverly originates in Scottish, coming to mean ‘of uncertain identity.’
Wendi originated among Native American tribes during colonial times as an alternate version of Wendy but became more popularized by actress Wendie Jo Sperber who played Gladys on the 1970s sitcom Three’s Company.
Whitley is a middle name for Wren, which came into existence through American culture where it was used as male given middle in early 20th century. Its definition comes from hwit, meaning ‘white.’
Xenia comes from middle Latin origins and shares similar meanings with Greek place names such as “stranger” or “foreigner.”
Yvonne comes from the Middle English language, where its meaning is defined as “yew” or “bow and arrow,” which made this middle name most common among girls born during medieval times.
Zoe is a middle Latin name for Wren, which has its origins in Greek, where it meant “life.”
Zoey originates from Middle English, meaning “zodiac” or “animal, beast.” They originally gave the name to animals that were found within zoos.
Zora comes from middle English origins and means “dawn.”
Final Thoughts
I hope you have enjoyed reading middle names for Wren and found a middle name that you would enjoy using and plan to use with your children. I would also like to highlight that middle names can be a great way for you and your spouse to share an important part of yourselves with your children.