There is something about frat boy names that sound and feels familiar. It reminds us of our best buddies in college, the ones who knew how to have fun, and the kind of friend who will go with you to the middle of nowhere at 3 in the morning without needing to know why simply because you asked. 

Personally, I think frat boy names are cute! They sound preppy and fun. Makes you think of the good old days where your biggest problem was how to get rid of a hangover so you can join the next party. We know you love them too, so we have listed down over 100 of the most adorable frat boy names and their meanings. Tell us which one is your favorite!

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Frat Boy Names That Start with A

Abe- A Hebrew name that means “father of many.”

Adam- This is of Hebrew origin meaning “the ground” or “earth.”

Aiden- This name means “fiery” and is of Irish origin. 

Alex- This name is of Greek origin and means “man’s defender.”

Andy- This cute name is of English origin and means “brave” or “manly.”

Frat Boy Names That Start with B

Ben- This name means “son of my right hand” and is of Hebrew origin.

Bert- A name of German origin and means “bright.”

Biff- This is of American origin and means “to hit.”

Billy- This cute name is of English origin and means “resolute protection.”

Blane- This is of Scottish and Gaelic origin which means the “son of the disciple of Blaan (yellow)” or simply “yellow.”

Bowen- A cute name that means “son of Owen” or “son of the young one.”

Brad- A name of English origin which means “from the broad meadow.”

Bradley- This name means “broad meadow” and is of Old English origin.

Brady- This name is of Irish origin and means “descendant of Brádach.”

Brandon- This name is of Old English origin and means “hill covered with broom.”

Brent- This name means “high place” and is of Old English origin. 

Brett- A name of Celtic origin which means” A native of Brittany.”

Brock-  This name means “badger” and is of English origin.

Bryce- This name means “speckled, freckled’ and is of Scottish origin.

Bryson- A name of Welsh origin and means “descendant of Brice.”

Frat Boy Names That Start with C

Cam- This name means” crooked nose” and is of Gaelic and Scottish origin.

Carter- This name is of Scottish, English, and Irish origin and means “one who transports goods by cart or wagon.”

Chase- This name is of Old English origin which means “huntsman.”

Chaz- A name of English origin which means “free man.”

Chip- This name means “man” and is of English origin.

Clint- This name is of Old English origin which means “fenced settlement.”

Cody- A name of English origin which means “helpful” or “pillow.”

Frat Boy Names That Start with D

Derek- This name means “people-ruler” and is of Germanic origin.

Devin- A beautiful name that means “poet” and is of Irish origin.”

Dom- This name is of Latin origin and means “Lordly,” “belonging to God,” or “of the master.”

Dylan- This name means “son of the sea” “son of the wave” and is of Welsh origin.

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Frat Boy Names That Start with E

Eric- A name of Old Norse origin which means “sole ruler,” “eternal ruler.”

Ethan- This is a name of Hebrew origin meaning “firm,” “enduring,” “strong,” and “long-lived.”

Frat Boy Names That Start with F

Frank- This name is of German origin which means “freeman.”

Frat Boy Names That Start with G

Garrett- This name means “spear strength” and is of Irish origin.

Grayson- This name is of English origin which means “the son of the bailiff.”

Frat Boy Names That Start with H

Hunter- This name is of English origin and means “one who hunts.”

Frat Boy Names That Start with I

Isaac- A beautiful name with beautiful meaning. This is of Hebrew origin which means “laughter.”

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Frat Boy Names That Start with J

Jackson- This name is of English origin which means “son of jack.”

Jacob- This is a name of Hebrew origin which means “to follow” or  “to be behind”. It can also mean ”to supplant.”

James- This name is derived from Jacob and is of Hebrew origin. This means “supplanted.”

Jeff- A name of English origin which means “pledge of peace.”

Joel- This name means “Yahweh is God” and is of Hebrew origin.

John- This name means “Yahweh has been gracious” and is of Hebrew origin. 

Jon- This is of Hebrew origin and means “God is gracious” or “gift of Jehovah.”

Josh- A name which means “God is my salvation.”

Judd- This is of English origin which means “flowing down.”

Julian- This name means “youthful,” “shiny,” or “juvenile,” and is of Latin origin.

Frat Boy Names That Start with K

Kale- This name is of Hawaiian and Gaelic origins and means “affectionate,” “calm,” or “fair.” It can also mean “ocean,” “pure,” or “sea.”

Kevin- This popular name means “of noble birth” and is of Irish origin.

Kurt- This cute name is of German origin and means “courteous,” and “polite.”

Frat Boy Names That Start with L

Landon- A name that means “from the long hill” and is of English origin. 

Levi- This beautiful name is of Hebrew origin and means “joined in harmony.”

Liam- This is a short version of the name William which has Germanic origin. This name means “helmet of will” or “guardian.”

Logan- This popular name is of Scottish origin and means “little hollow.”

Frat Boy Names That Start with M

Mark- This name means “consecrated to the god Mars” and can also be “war-like.” This is of Latin origin.

Matt- A name of Hebrew origin and is a short version of the name Matthew. This means “gift of God.”

Matthew- This name means “Gift of Yahweh” and is of Hebrew origin.”

Michael- This name means “who is like God?” and is of Hebrew origin.

Mike- A pet name for Michael and is of Hebrew origin. This means “who is like God?”

Frat Boy Names That Start with N

Nelson- This name is of English origin and means “son of Neil.”

Nick-This name is a short version of Nicholas. Of Greek origin and means “victory of the people.”

Noah- This name is of Hebrew origin and means “peace” or “rest.”

Frat Boy Names That Start with O

Oliver– This name is Old French and Medieval British origin and means “elf army” or “elf warrior.”

Owen- A name that means “young warrior” or “well born” and is of Welsh origin.

Frat Boy Names That Start with P

Pauly- A cute name that means “small” and is of Latin origin.

Pete- This name is of American origin and means “rock.”

Frat Boy Names That Start with R

Randy- This name means “amorous” and is of English origin. 

Rhett- This name means “advice” or “counsel” and is of Dutch origin.

Rich- This name means “wealthy” or “brave ruler” and is of French origin.

Richard- This means “strong ruler” or “brave leader” and is of Germanic origin.

Rip- A name that means “full grown” or “ripe” and is of Dutch origin.

Rob- This popular name is of Germanic origin which means “fame-bright” or “glory-bright.”

Ross- This name means “from the peninsula” and is of Scottish origin.

Ryan- Another popular name that means “little king” and is of Irish origin.

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Frat Boy Names That Start with S

Scooter- This name is of American origin and means “person from Scotland.”

Scott-This is of Old English origin and means “from Scotland, a Scotsman.”

Sebastian- This name means Venerable  and is of Greek origin.

Skip- This cute name means “boss, or a ship’s captain” and is of English origin.

Spencer- This name means “steward” or “administrator” and is of British origin.

Frat Boy Names That Start with T

Tanner- This name is of English origin and means “leather worker” or “tanner of skins.”

Ted- This short name means “gift of God” and is of Greek origin. 

Terence- This name is of Norse origin and means “like Thor.”

Thad- This name means “praise” and is of Greek origin.

Toby- This cute name is of Hebrew origin and means “God is good.”

Todd- A popular name that means “fox.” This is of English origin.

Tommy- A name of Aramaic  origin and means “twin.

Tony- A name of English origin and means “priceless one.”

Travis- This name means “traverser” or “to cross” and is of French origin.

Trent- This name means “the flooder” and is of English origin.

Trevor- This beautiful name means “industrious,” “ambitious.” or “prudent” and is of Irish origin. 

Tripp- This name is of English origin and means “to step lightly.”

Tucker- This name is of Old English origin which was originally an occupational name. It means “someone who cleans or softens cloth.”

Tyler- This name is of Old English origin and means “Maker or layer of tiles” and it can also mean “house builder.”

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Frat Boy Names That Start with W

Wells- A name of Old English origin and means “god of spring.”

Will- This name means “vehement protector” and is of Germanic origin. 

Witt- A name of Dutch origin which means “the white.”

Frat Boy Names That Start with Z

Zach- This beautiful name means “God remembers” and is of Persian and Hebrew origin.

Zayne- A name of Hebrew origin and means “God is gracious.”

Zeke- This cute name means “God Will Strengthen” and is of Hebrew origin.

These names may have been popularized as frat boy names, but they actually have beautiful meanings! Hope this list helps! 

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