A name will never be just a name. It’s like a trademark, a stamp, or even an emblem. I always believed that the name helps shape the personality of the bearer. This is the reason parents go to great lengths to look for the most perfect name for their child. I mean, they will be using the name anywhere and everywhere for the rest of their life.
Choosing a baby’s name can be influenced by a lot of factors. It can be based on where the family is from, where the baby is born, and even the parent’s lifestyle and preferences can greatly impact how the mother, or the father choose the baby’s name. And choosing is hard! You can ask any parent!
If you are looking for beautiful and unique name for your baby boy, we suggest looking at this list of Norwegian boy names for inspiration. Norwegian names are some of the most beautiful names in the world. Think Vikings, Norse mythologies, and the netherworld. Interesting names that will surely be loved by many.
Although some of these have origins outside of the Scandinavian region, they are popular and widely used in this part of Europe.
Norwegian Boy Names That Start with A
Aesir- This name means “of the Gods”.
Annar- This one means “father of the world”.
Aevar- This beautiful name means “name of Ketil’s son”.
Aksel- A variation of Axel, this means “father of peace” or “mighty god”.
Alexander- A Greek origin that means “defending men”.
Alfarin- From Nordic mythology, this name means “name of Hlif’s son”.
Alfgeir- This strong sounding name means “Elfin’s spear”.
Alfrigg- This name means “mythical dwarf”.
Alfrothul- This one means” of the sun”.
Amund- This beautiful nae means “a bridal gift”.
Andvaranaut- This means “Brunhild’s ring”.
Andvari- This one means “name of a mythical treasure guardian”.
Ansfrid- This means “protected by God”.
Arild- This one means “war chief and battle commander”.
Arkyn- Name of a Viking god and means “eternal king’s son”.
Armod- This one means “name of Geirleif’s blood brother”.
Arneot- This name translates to “one who frightens eagles”.
Arngeir- From Norse mythology and means “the eagle’s spear”.
Arnlaug- This name translates to “eagle”.
Aros- This cute name means “from the river’s mouth”.
Arvakl- This name means “name of a mythical horse”.
Arwed- This name means “eagle of the woods” or “a king with a clear-minded and has good judgment”.
Asbiom- This translates to “a divine bear”.
Asgard- This is the name of city of the gods in Norse mythology.
Asgaut- This means “name of a mythical divine goth”.
Asgrim- This name can mean “name of a thief” or “leadership ability”.
Askel- Name of a mythical God and means “a divine cauldron”.
Aslak- This means “a divine sport”.
Ayden- This is of Irish origin and means “little fire”.
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Norwegian Boy Names That Start with B
Bakli- This name means “name of Blaeng’s son”.
Balmung- A strong name that means “Siegfried’s sword”.
Baug- This name means “son of Raud”.
Beini- This translates to “name of a smith”.
Benjamin- Of Hebrew origin which means “child of good fortune”.
Beorhtel- This name means “he who shines with bright light”.
Berdon- This means ” birch valley “.
Bergthor- This strong name means “Thor’s spirit”.
Berrant- This means “one who is like a strong bear”.
Bersi- This name means “son of Bakli”.
Bionbyr- This name means “warrior’s estate”
Biorn- A cute name that means “bear”.
Biyn- This name means “one who is strong”.
Bjame- A lovely name that means “bear”.
Bjolf- This name refers to “name of lodmund’s blood brother”.
Bodmod- This name means “name of Oleif’s son”.
Borg- This short name means “from the castle”.
Bork- This cute name means “one who is killed by a Gunnar”.
Borre- This name translates to “he who is a great help”.
Bothi- This means “herald or begin”.
Bragi- This name means “one who is considered as the God of poetry”.
Brander- This translates to “a fiery or sharp sword”.
Brokk- This name means “name of a mythical dwarf”.
Brondolf- Name of a god of war and means “name of Naddodd’s son”.
Bruni- This name means “son of Earl Harek”.
Bugga- A powerful name that means “a man of power”.
Bugge- This translates to “a powerful man”.
Norwegian Boy Names That Start with D
David- This is of Hebrew origin and means ‘beloved’ or ‘uncle”’.
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Norwegian Boy Names That Start with E
Eggther- This name means “guardian for the giants”.
Eiel- This name means “one who is born to inspire fright”.
Eigil- This name means “the one who inspires fright in the hearts”.
Eitri- This name is the name of a mythical dwarf who can shapeshift.
Eivind- This name means “happy warrior; one who brings peace”.
Elias- Of Spanish and Icelandic origin, this name means “my God is Yahweh”.
Emil- This name is of Latin origin and means “rival”.
Emilt- This name means “a person who is lively and eager”.
Erico- A beautiful name that means “someone who rules the people of a land”.
Ericson- This name means “son of a ruler named Erik”.
Erp- This short name means “name of Meldun’s son”.
Eryk- This means “someone who is a ruler for eternity”.
Esbern- This one means “a divine bear”.
Esbjorn- This cute name means “bear of the Gods”.
Eske- This name means “spear of the Gods”.
Eskil- Name of a Norse god and means “God or divinity”.
Evan- Of French origin and means “Yahweh is gracious” and “young fighter”.
Norwegian Boy Names That Start with F
Felix- This is of Latin origin and means “successful” or “lucky”.
Filip- This name means “loves horse”.
Norwegian Boy Names That Start with G
Gabriel- This is of Hebrew origin and means ”God is my strong man”.
Norwegian Boy Names That Start with H
Heorrenda- This one means “an army shield”.
Hoder- This means “name of Odin’s blind son”.
Hoenir- This means “name of Odin’s brother”.
Holger- Old Norse origin which means “island spear”.
Holmstein- This name means “the one who supported Flosi”.
Hord- This means “name of Ashjom’s father”.
Hoskuld- This one is “name of Thorstein’s son”.
Norwegian Boy Names That Start with I
Illugi- This name means “name of Aslak’s son”.
Im- This short and cute name means “name of a mythical giant”.
Ingemur- This means “a famous son”.
Ingharr- This name means “son’s army”.
Ísak- This name means “he laughs”.
Ivo/ Iwo- This name is of Germanic origin and means “Yahweh is gracious”.
Norwegian Boy Names That Start with J
Jakob- This is of Latin origin and means “at the heel”.
Jonathan- Of Hebrew origin which means “gift of God” or “God has given”.
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Norwegian Boy Names That Start with L
Leon- This name is of Latin and Greek origins and means “lion”.
Levi- A name that is of Hebrew origin and means “attached”, “joined”, “hero” or “knight”.
Liam- A short variation of William and is of Germanic origins. This name means “the resolute protector”.
Louie- Of Old German origin which means “famous warrior”.
Ludvik- This is of Slovene and Old High German origins which means “famous warrior”.
Lukas- This is of Greek origin which means “bright”.
Norwegian Boy Names That Start with M
Magnus- Of Latin origin and means “large or great”.
Markus- Of Ancient Roman origin and means “dedicated to Mars”.
Matheo- This is of French origin and means “gift of Yahweh”.
Matis- This is of Swedish origin and means “gift of Yahweh”.
Max- From the name Maximilian and is of Latin origin. This name means “greatest”.
Milan- This is of Slavic origin and means “dear” or “gracious”.
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Norwegian Boy Names That Start with N
Nicolas – This is of Greek origin and means “victory of the people”.
Noah- Of Hebrew origin and means “create peace” or “to rest”.
Norwegian Boy Names That Start with O
Oliver– Of Scandinavian origin and means “olive tree”, “ancestor’s descendant” or “warlike elf”.
Oskar – Of German origin and means “the god’s spear” or “dear friend”.
Norwegian Boy Names That Start with R
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Remi – This is of French and Latin origins and means “the oarsman”.
Norwegian Boy Names That Start with S
Sigge- This name means “he who is always victorious”.
Sindre- This cute name means “one who is small and trivial.”
Skippere- This one means “one who is a skipper, a marine”.
Sven- A popular name that means “warrior”.
Norwegian Boy Names That Start with T
Theo- Of Ancient Greek origin and means “gift of God”.
Thiago- This is of Portuguese origin and means “may God protect” or, “holder of the heel”.
Tymeo- This is of French origin and means “honoring God”.
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Norwegian Boy Names That Start with W
William- This is of Germanic origin and means “resolute protector”.
These are some of the most popular and beautiful Norwegian boy names, and if you are looking for strong and cool sounding boy names, then any of the ones above would make a great choice. Whether you come from Norway, have Norwegian bloodline, or you simply love the country and their culture, you will never go wrong with this list.
Which one is your favorite?