Looking for fierce and bad girl names for your tiny fighter? Here are 100 of the best and most popular bad girl names for you to choose from!

Although these names have a baddie ring to them, they are beautiful names with strong and deep meanings. What I like about bad girl names is that they create this you-can’t-put-me-down aura even before you see the bearer. 

When we say bad girl names, it does not always mean that the name is associated or pertaining to a bad person or character. It can be a badass name because of the meaning, or it is a name inspired by a character who stands up for herself.

If you want your daughter to exude strength and power even with just the sound of her name, then this list is for you.

Bad Girl Names That Start With A

Adriane – A powerful name from the Greek mythology and means “dark.”

Aella- Name of an Amazonian warrior and the name means “whirlwind” and is of Greek origin.

Aiden- From the Celtic God of the Sun, this name is of Irish origins and means “little and fiery.”

Amelia- The first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean; what could be more badass that that? This name is of Germanic origin and means “work.”

Angelina- From the epitome Hollywood bad girl Angelina Jolie. This name is of Italian origin and means “messenger of God.”

Aphrodite- The Greek goddess of beauty and love sound like someone no one can refuse. This is of Greek origin and means “born from sea foam.”

Artemesia- Of Greek origin and means “gift from Artemis.” Artemis was the goddess of the moon, hunting, and wild nature, and receiving a gift from her sounds badass. 

Artemis- Goddess of the Moon herself. The name means “butcher” and is of Gruel origin.

Arya- You must be living under a rock if you don’t know Arya Stark. The baddest and coolest gal in Game of Thrones. This name means “faithful” and is of Persian origin.

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Bad Girl Names That Start With B

Bandit- This name is of American origin and means “thief.” A unique and interesting name if I may say so.

Bathsheba- The shrewd and beautiful wife of King David. This name means “daughter of an oath” and is of Hebrew origin.

Becks- Of Hebrew and Germanic origin, this name means “brook.” There’s something about Becks that sounds unapologetic.

Bee- A shortened version of Beatrix, former Queen of Netherlands. It means “she who brings happiness” and is of Latin origin.

Bellatrix- The heartless devout follower in Harry Potter. This name means “hand of Orion” and is of Latin origin.

Belle- From Beauty and the Beast. She may seem like a meek country girl, but it takes a badass attitude to standup to a beast and make him fall in love with her. This name is of French origin and means “beauty”.

Beretta- An Italian gun manufacturer company. What could be more baddie that that? This name actually means “hat maker” and is of Italian origin.

Betty- A short version of Old Testament’s Elizabeth who was mother of John the Baptist. Of Hebrew origin and means “God is satisfaction.”

Beverly- Popularized as the “Angel of Death.” This is of Old English origin and means “beaver stream.”

Blair- From the evil queen in Gossip Girl. This is of Scottish Gaelic origin and means “meadow” or “field.”

Blaze- This name means “flame” and is of English origin.

Bad Girl Names That Start With C

Calista- Of Greek origin which means “”she that is most beautiful,” and sounds like someone who can command attention.

Cambria- This name means “people” and sounds like a name of someone who will do anything for her people rogue style.

Cassandra- This “warrior” and of Greek origin. Another meaning is “defender of man.”

Cayenne- This name is hot as the pepper. This is of French origin and means “hot spice.”

Cleo- from Cleo Nefertiti a supervillain in Marvel Comics. Of Greek origin and it means “the celebrated one.”

Clove- The most powerful antagonist in “The Hunger Games”. This is of German origin and means “nail” or “spice.”

Coco- American origin meaning “chocolate bean.” From mama Coco who never stopped loving her father Héctor and always waited for him. That takes strength.

Coral- A Latin origin meaning “the Sentry.” A talisman that works as a warning against evil spirits.

Crimson- This bold name means symbolizes the goodness of celestial love. It means “someone who is a leader in getting things done and is of English origin.


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Bad Girl Names That Start With D

Damara – Of Latin origin meaning “gentle like a calf.” From the Biblical Damaris who heard Paul speak at the open-air supreme court of Athens.

Danica- Of Slavic origin and means “the Morning Star.” From Danica Sue Patrick who was the most successful woman in the history of American open-wheel racing.

Davina- Feminine form of David and is of Hebrew origin meaning “beloved.”

Debbie- From Deborah, a heroine and prophetess in the Old Testament. Of Hebrew origin and means “bee.”

Delilah- Who does not Delilah? The woman who destroyed Samson’s strength by cutting off his hair. This is of Hebrew origin and means “delicate and weakened.”

Dixie- This is of French origin and means “from the south.” The name just sounds commanding, don’t you think?

Dominique- This name means “lord” and is of Latin origin. No explanation needed here.

Dottie- From Dorothy, of Greek origin and means “gift of God.” Who can forget the unwavering courage of Dorothy Gale?

Drusilla- From the man antagonist in “Buffy, the Vampire Slayer” and also Cinderella’s wicked stepsister. This is of English origin and means “dewy-eyed.”

Bad Girl Names That Start With E

Edie- This is of English origin meaning “prosperous in war”. Who remembers Edie Britt McLain Rothwell Williams from Desperate Housewives?

Elektra- This is of Greek-origin meaning “bright, radiant and shining”. The love interest of superhero Daredevil.

Ember- This is of English origin which means “smoldering coal”.

Esperanza- Although it sounds like a badass name, it actually means “hope” and is of Spanish origin.

Bad Girl Names That Start With G

Gertrude – A German origin name which means “spear of strength.”

Gigi- This is of French origin and means “earth worker”. From the fierce runway model Gigi Hadid.

Gunilla – This is of Swedish origin which means “battle maiden”. Now that sounds badass.

Bad Girl Names That Start With H

Harley- Old English origin and means “hare”. Who’s badder  than Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel a.k.a. Harley Quinn?

Harlow- This is of English origins meaning ‘”meadow of hares” and if you are old enough, you may remember Jean Harlow.

Harriett- This name is of German origin and means “home ruler”. I don’t know about you but for me, the one who rules the house is the most badass of them all.

Hera- This is of Greek origin and means Queen. No further explanation needed for this one.

Hermione- The brave and incredible wizard from the Harry Potter series. This name means “pillar queen” and is of Greek origin.

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Bad Girl Names That Start With  I

Ida- From the patron saint of the pregnant. This is of Germanic origins meaning “work”

Bad Girl Names That Start With J

Jaiyana – This Arabic name means “strength.”

Jezebel – the wife of King Ahab and a known bad girl. This name is of Hebrew origin and means “unexalted”.

Jinx- What could be more badass than having a name that means “a spell?” This name is of Latin origin.

Bad Girl Names That Start With K

Karma- I don’t think anyone is going to mess with someone named Karma. This is of Sanskrit origins and means “fate or destiny”.

Kartini- This is of Javanese origin and means “hidden”. Also the name of a popular national hero in Java.

Katana- This is of Japanese origins and means “for a sword.” Now I want a name that means sword.

Keena – Of Irish origins and means “brave girl.” Sounds perfect for your little fighter.

Keren – This is of Hebrew origins which means “strong and powerful.” Characteristics of a true baddie.

Bad Girl Names That Start With L

Lenna – Of German origin meaning “lioness strength.”

Lilith- This is Hebrew origins meaning ”belonging to the night”. Also name of a vampire goddess in “True Blood”.

Livia- The terrible wife of Roman Emperor Augustus. Of Spanish origin and means “envious”.

Lola- This is of Spanish and Germanic roots which means “sorrows”.

Lolita- The sexual connotation has tapered off over the years and more people are beginning to love this spunky name. This is of Spanish origin and means “sorrows”.

Lulu- This is of English origin and means “famous warrior”.

Luna- This is of Latin origin and means “night”. Also, the free-spirited wizard in the Harry Potter series.

Related: The Best Free Online Birth Class that is actually worth taking!

Are you organizing a baby shower. Imagine if you could:

  • Quickly entertain a large group, without any prep time.
  • Stop feeling stressed or guilty when you use a game to keep them busy.
  • Feel confident the group will enjoy the game.
  • Have more time to spend on the things you actually want to do.

For only $6 this complete pack of 10 fun baby shower games, and bonus thank you cards will keep your guest entertained with no prep involved. Whether it is in person or during your virtual baby shower party there is something for everyone. Just print and play.

Bad Girl Names That Start With M

Magenta- Flash’s antagonist. This is of Italian origin and means “purplish red”.

Maia – Of Maori origin and means “brave warrior.”

Maliha – This is of Arabic origin and means “beauty and strength.”

Malou – A French origin meaning “bitter, famous warrior.”

Marcheline – Another baddie name that means “warrior”. This is of French origin.

Mary- From Queen Mary of England a.k.a. “Bloody Mary” for her doings. This is of Hebrew origin and means “sea of bitterness”.

Medea- The mythological princess who killed her own children. Greek origin meaning “cunning”.

Moxie – This name means “boldness and strength of character” and is of American English origin.

Bad Girl Names That Start With N

Nancy- Remember Nancy Wheeler? Called as the worst character in Stranger Things 2. This is of Hebrew origins meaning “grace”.

Natalie- From Natalie Buxton, one of the antagonists in Bad Girls. This has English and French origins and “birth of the Lord”.

Nellie- Little House on the Prairie’s mean girl. It means Light and is of English origin

Bad Girl Names That Start With O

Odile – Of French origins meaning “prospers in battle.”

Bad Girl Names That Start With R

Raven- This is of Old English origin and means “thieving person”.

Ravenna- The Evil Queen herself. The name is of Italian origin and means “large, black bird of the crow family.” 

Rebel- This is of English origin and means “defiant person”.

Rogue- This name means “dishonest, savage Or unpredictable” and is of English origin.

Ronnie- Short for Veronica which means “bringing victory” and is of English origin. Who remembers Veronica from the Archie Comic Books?

Roxy- This is of Persian origin and means “dawn”. Forever tagged as a bad girl because of a song..

Ruby- Of Latin origin and means red. Ruby Rose ring a bell?

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Bad Girl Names That Start With S

Sadie- Of English origin and means “princess”. Also, a fierce character in Red Dead.

Salome- This is of Hebrew name meaning “peace”. The woman in the New Testament who charmed King Herod into having John, the Baptist killed.

Selena- Of Spanish origin and means “moon”. There’s just something eerie and mysterious about the moon.

Shabina – Of Arabic origins meaning “eye of the storm”

Slone- This is of Irish origins and means “warrior”.

Bad Girl Names That Start With T

Tallulah- This is of Native American origin and means “leaping water”.  Also, a character played by Ellen Page from the movie “Tallulah”.

Tempest- This is of English origin and means “stormy”.

Tequila- What’s more badass than having the name Tequila? OF Mexican origin and means “liquor distilled from the agave plant”.

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Bad Girl Names That Start With V

Valentina – This name means “strength and vigor” and is of Latin origin.

Vesper- The double agent Bond Girl.  Of Latin origin and means “star”.

Bad Girl Names That Start With W

Wyetta – Of English origin meaning “war-strength.”

Bad Girl Names That Start With X

Xena- OF Greek origin and means “guest”. Also, Achilles’ immortal horse.

Bad Girl Names That Start With Z

Zelda – Of German origin meaning “grey fighting maiden.”

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