According to fandom, Tabaxi are a fictional race of feline-humanoids from the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. They live in jungles that are ruled by evil giant versions – Tabaxi Lords.

They resemble to jaguars and leopards and are sometimes called cat-people or cat-folk. The popularity of these characters has now reach certain heights that a lot of die-hard fans look for Tabaxi names for their babies.

Tabaxi names are usually long and crafted with care. They are mostly based on prophecies, star signs, and nature. What is great about Tabaxi names is that they are so unique, and they sound interesting which will truly make your Tabaxi name bearing child unforgettable to whoever they meet.

If you are planning on giving your baby a Tabaxi name, here are 100 of our favorites that we found on the interwebs. Due to length, most would just pick out the nicknames for the kid but that is totally up to you! Enjoy!

Tabaxi Names That Start with A

Active Flower- Nickname: Flower – This is name is of Latin origin and means “blossom of a plant”.

Agile Board – Nickname: Agile- Of Latin origin and means “quick and nimble”.

Always Eats a Lot – Nickname: Eats- This is of Old English origin and means “to consume food”.

Amused Candle – Nickname: Candle – Of Latin origin which means “to shine”.

Ancient Brush- Nickname: Ancient- Of Anglo-French origin which means “a time early in history”.

Ancient Sea – Nickname: Sea- This is of Old English origin and means “sheet of water, sea, lake, pool”.

Answered Riddle – Nickname: Riddle – This means “mystifying, or puzzling question” and is of Old English origin.

Arctic Dust – Nickname: Arctic- This is of Latin origin and means “coming from the North Pole or the arctic region”.

Ascending Glade –Nickname: Glade- Middle English meaning “clear, open space in a woods”.

Austere Frog – Nickname: Austere- Of Greek origin and means “harsh, rough, bitter”.

Autumn Harvest – Nickname: Autumn- This is of Latin origin and means “season between summer and winter”.

Awoken Forest – Nickname: Forest- Old French meaning “wood, woodland”.

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Tabaxi Names That Start with B

Beats of a Heart – Nickname: Beats-  This means “pulsation” and is of Od English origin.

Belly of a Beast – Nickname: Beast – This is of Old English origin and means “a four-footed animal”.

Blank Canvas– Nickname: Canvas- This is of Old French origin and means “made of hemp”.

Bleak Grotto – Nickname: Bleak- Old Norse meaning “pale, whitish, blond”.

Bold Time– Nickname: Time – Of Old English origin which means “limited space of time”.

Bold Trail– Nickname: Trail- This means “to hang down loosely and flow behind” and is of Old English origin.

Brave Bat – Nickname: Bat- This is of Old Norse origin which means “leather flapper”.

Brave Thrill – Nickname: Thrill- This is of Middle English origin and means “sudden wave of keen emotion or excitement”.

Bright Cliffs – Nickname: Cliffs- This name means “steep and rugged face of a rocky mass” and is of Old English origin.

Busy Bee – Nickname: Bee- This is of Old English origin which means “stinging insect”.

Tabaxi Names That Start with C

Cadence of Water – Nickname: Cadence- This means “flow of rhythm in prose or verse” and is of Old French origin.

Cake of Chocolate – Nickname: Cake- This name is of Viking origin and means “flat”.

Changing Mist – Nickname: Mist- Old English meaning “much smaller than rain”.

Cheeky Wind – Nickname: Wind- This name is of Old English origin which means “air in motion”.

Climbing Claws – Nickname: Claws- This means “curved, nail on the foot of an animal” and is of Old English origin.

Cloud on the Mountaintop – Nickname: Cloud- This is of Old English origin and means “rock mass, hill”.

Constant Purrs – Nickname: Purr- This means “murmur as a cat” and is of imitative origin; French or German.

Cookie Hearth – Nickname: Cookie- This is of American origin and means “small, flat, sweet cake”.

Curious Silk – Nickname: Curious- This is of Old French and Latin origin meaning “eager to know, inquisitive, desirous of seeing”.


Tabaxi Names That Start with D

Dangling Lace – Nickname: Lace- This is of Old French origin which means “braided or interwoven strands of silk”.

Defiant Shore – Nickname: Shore- This name means “land bordering a large body of water” which is of Old English origin.

Defiant Wish – Nickname: Defiant- This means “resist, or fight” and is of Old French origin.

Distant Rain – Nickname: Rain- This is of Old English meaning to “wet, moisten”.

Dreary Creeks – Nickname: Islands- Proto-Germanic meaning “thing on the water”.

Drifting Cloud – Nickname: Cloud- This means “rock mass, hill” and is of Old English origin.

Drop in a Pond – Nickname: Drop- This means “To let fall in drops” and is of Middle English origin.

Dry Marsh – Nickname: Marsh- Middle English meaning “wet, swampy ground”.

Tabaxi Names That Start with E

Eclipse of the Moon – Nickname: Eclipse- This is of Middle English origin and is of “fail to appear”.

Edge of the World – Nickname: Edge- This is of Old English origin and means ”sharpened side of a blade”.

Elder Lake – Nickname: Lake- Old French meaning “body of water surrounded by land”.

Elegant Clock – Nickname: Elegant- This is of Old English and means “tastefully ornate”.

Elegant Stream – Nickname: Stream- OF Old Germanic origin and means “to flow”.

Emerald String – Nickname: String- This means “a cord to bind” and is of Middle English origin.

Emerald Tree – Nickname: Tree- This is of Proto-Indo-European origin which means “to be firm, solid, steadfast”.

Tabaxi Names That Start with F

Faint Stone – Nickname: Stone- A hard earthen substance and is of Middle English origin.

Feather in the Wind – Nickname: Feather- This means “to furnish with feathers or wings” and is of Old English origin. 

Fertile Wilds – Nickname: Wilds- Old English and means “untamed, undomesticated, uncontrolled”.

Are you organizing a baby shower. Imagine if you could:

  • Quickly entertain a large group, without any prep time.
  • Stop feeling stressed or guilty when you use a game to keep them busy.
  • Feel confident the group will enjoy the game.
  • Have more time to spend on the things you actually want to do.

For only $6 this complete pack of 10 fun baby shower games, and bonus thank you cards will keep your guest entertained with no prep involved. Whether it is in person or during your virtual baby shower party there is something for everyone. Just print and play.

Fine Beetle – Nickname: Beetle- Of Old English and means “little biter, biting insect”.

Fire in the Distance – Nickname: Fire- This means “on a flame” and is of Old English origin.

Five Timber – Nickname: Timber- This is of Old English origin and means “trees suitable for building”.

Flickering Fire – Nickname: Fire- This means “on a flame” and is of Old English origin.

Flickering Isle – Nickname: Isle- This means “that which in in the salty sea” of Welsh or Greek origins. 

Flow of the River – Nickname: Flow- This means “to flow, stream, issue; become liquid” and is of Old English origin.

Four-Leaf Clover – Nickname: Clover- This is of Old English origin and means the “leaf of a clover plant”.

Fresh Wonder – Nickname: Fresh- This means “unsalted; pure; sweet; eager” and is of Old English origin.

Friend of Foe – Nickname: Friend- An Old English origin which means “one attached to another by feelings”.

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Tabaxi Names That Start with G

Game of Chance – Nickname: Game- Of Old English and means “joy, fun; game, amusement”.

Gentle Guide – Nickname: Gentle- This means “high-born, worthy, noble, of good family” and is of Old French origin.

Gentle River – Nickname: River- This means “natural stream of water flowing to the sea” and is of Anglo-French origin.

Glow of the Sun – Nickname: Sun- Of Old English origin which means “the star around which the earth orbits”.

Tabaxi Names That Start with H

Half Wave – Nickname: Wave- This is of Old English origin and means “move back and forth”.

Happy Robin – Nickname: Happy- This is of Old English origin and means “greatly pleased and content”.

Hearty Snowflake – Nickname: Hearty- This means “courageous; spirited, zealous, from the heart” and is of Old English origin.

Hidden Treasure – Nickname: Treasure- This is of Old English origin and means “anything valued”.

Hide of the Beast – Nickname: Hide- This is of Old English and means “to hide, conceal; preserve”.

Humble Cover – Nickname: Humble- This is of Old English and means “submissive, respectful, lowly in manner, modest, not self-asserting”.

Humble Stream – Nickname: Stream- This means “a course of water” and is of Old English origin.

Hushed Block – Nickname: Hushed- This is of Middle English origin which means “be quiet”.

Tabaxi Names That Start with I

Ice on the Lake – Nickname: Lake- This is of Old English origin which means “body of water surrounded by land and filling a depression or basin”.

Icy Chain – Nickname: Icy- This is of Old English origin and means “coldness or chill, frigid”

Icy Peak – Nickname: Peak- Of Old English origin and means “pointed top, projecting summit”.

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Tabaxi Names That Start with J

Jade Fire – Nickname: Jade- This is a gemstone that is of French and Spanish origin.

Jewel of the Mountain – Nickname: Jewel- This is Old French for “ornament; present; gem, jewel”.

Jolly Fang – Nickname: Fang- This is of Old English origin which means “catching- or grasping-tooth”.

Jolly Spark – Nickname: Jolly- Old French origin which means “merry, cheerful, naturally of a happy disposition”.

Tabaxi Names That Start with K

Kind Child – Nickname: Kind- Old English which means “kind, nature, race”.

Kind Mark – Nickname: Mark – This means “to put a mark on” and is of Old English origin.

Tabaxi Names That Start with L

Light in the Morning – Nickname: Light- Old English and means “to shed light; to set on fire”.

Lightning After Thunder – Nickname: Thunder- This is of Old English and means “to speak loudly”.

Little Flower – Nickname: Little- This is of Old English and means “not large, not much”.

Little Forests – Nickname: Forest- Old French meaning “wood, woodland”.

Locket on a Heart – Nickname: Locket- This means “door-handle, bolt, latch” and is of Old French origin.

Lone Woodlands – Nickname: Woodland- Of Old High German wood meaning “tree” and Old English land meaning “ground”.

Loose String – Nickname: String- This is Old English meaning “line, cord, thread, string of a bow or harp”.

Lost Quilt – Nickname: Quilt- This means “mattress with soft lining” and is of Anglo-French origin.

Luck of the Draw – Nickname: Luck- This is of Middle Dutch origin and means “fortune good or bad”.

Tabaxi Names That Start with M

Melting of Snow – Nickname: Snow- This is of Old English and means “that which falls as snow; a fall of snow; a snowstorm”.

Mirror’s Reflection – Nickname: Mirror- Of Old French origin and means “polished surface”.

Misty Swamps – Nickname: Mist- Old English meaning “much smaller than rain”.

Mountain Boulder – Nickname: Boulder- This is of Middle English and means “water-worn rounded stone”.

Mystery Edge – Nickname: Edge- Old English meaning “corner, edge, point”.

Related: MILKOLOGY: The Best Online Breastfeeding Course

Tabaxi Names That Start with N

Needle in Hay – Nickname: Needle- This is of Old High German meaning “a tool for sewing”.

Night of Dreams – Nickname: Night- This means “the dark part of a day” and is Old English.

Tabaxi Names That Start with O

Odd Lace – Nickname: Lace- Of Old French meaning “cord made of braided or interwoven strands of silk”.

Only Nine Lives – Nickname: Lives- Old English meaning “period between birth and death”.

Opal Chalk – Nickname: Chalk- This is Old English meaning “to whiten”.

Opal Leaf – Nickname: Opal- Of Sanskrit origin meaning “gem, precious stone”.

Opal Wing – Nickname: Wing- Old Norse meaning “forelimb fitted for flight of a bird or bat”.

Owl in the Morning – Nickname: Owl – This is of old Indo-European originating from the sound the bird makes.

Tabaxi Names That Start with P

Prime Poem – Nickname: Prime- This is of Old French meaning “first, original, first in order of time”.

Pure Berry – Nickname: Berry- Of Old Saxon and means “grape”.

Pure Star – Nickname: Star- This means “fixed luminous point in the night sky” and is of Old English origin.

Pure Thunder – Nickname: Pure- Old English and means “lamb without a blemish”.

Tabaxi Names That Start with Q

Quiet Dream – Nickname: Dream- This is of Old English and means “joy, mirth, noisy merriment”.

Quiet Drop – Nickname: Drop- This is of Old English and means “a small, spherical mass of liquid”.

Quiet Straw – Nickname: Straw- This is of Old English and means stems or stalks of certain species of grains.

Quill in the Grass – Nickname: Quill- This is of Middle English or High German origin which means “hollow stem of a feather”.

Quirky Mirror – Nickname: Mirror- Old French and means “polished surface”.

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Tabaxi Names That Start with R

Radiant Grotto – Nickname: Radiant- Latin origin meaning “beaming, shining”.

Rainbow after Rain – Nickname: Rainbow- This is of Old English origin meaning “shower-bow”.

Rhythm of Drums – Nickname: Rhythm- Of Greek origin and means “movement in time”.

Ringing of Bells – Nickname: Bell- This means “to sound, roar” and is of Germanic origins.

Roar of a Bear – Nickname: Roar- This is of Old English origin and means “wail, lament, bellow, cry”.

Roars Like a Lion – Nickname: Roars- This is of Old English origin and means “wail, lament, bellow, cry”.

Tabaxi Names That Start with S

Sapphire Thing – Nickname: Sapphire- Old French and means “precious stone next in hardness to a diamond”.

Sea of Opportunity – Nickname: Sea- This is Old English and means “sheet of water, sea, lake, pool”.

Serpent Scale – Nickname: Scale- Old French and means “skin plates on fish or snakes”.

Shady Dream – Nickname: Shady- This is Old English and means “protected by shade”.

Silent Thrill – Nickname: Silent- Of Latin origin and means “without speech, silent, not speaking”.

Six Thunder – Nickname: Six- Old English and means “1 more than five”.

Skirt of Snakes – Nickname: Snake- Of German origin meaning “to crawl, creeping thing”.

Sleeps Too Much – Nickname: Sleeps- This means “be dormant or inactive” and is of Old English.

Smoking Mirror – Nickname: Smoke- Old English and means “give off smoke”.

Spring Blossom – Nickname: Spring- This is of Old English meaning “to leap, burst forth, fly up; spread, grow”.

Spring Winds – Nickname: Spring- This is of Old English meaning “to leap, burst forth, fly up; spread, grow”.

Steady Rock – Nickname: Rock- Old English meaning “stone, mass of mineral matter”

Subtle River – Nickname: Subtle- This is of Old French meaning “intricate, abstruse”.

Sunshine at Night – Nickname: Sunshine- Old English which means “a mirror, speculum”.

Are you organizing a baby shower. Imagine if you could:

  • Quickly entertain a large group, without any prep time.
  • Stop feeling stressed or guilty when you use a game to keep them busy.
  • Feel confident the group will enjoy the game.
  • Have more time to spend on the things you actually want to do.

For only $6 this complete pack of 10 fun baby shower games, and bonus thank you cards will keep your guest entertained with no prep involved. Whether it is in person or during your virtual baby shower party there is something for everyone. Just print and play.

Tabaxi Names That Start with T

Three Tree – Nickname: Tree- This is of Proto-Indo-European origin which means “to be firm, solid, steadfast”.

Too Many Whiskers – Nickname: Whiskers- Middle English origin meaning “anything that whisks or sweeps”.

Tranquil Bubble – Nickname: Bubble- Dutch origin meaning “fluid inflated with air or gas”.

Tranquil Peak – Nickname: Tranquil- Old French meaning “quiet, calm, still”.

Tree Blossom – Nickname: Blossom- This is of Old English origin and means “a flower of a plant”.

True Clover – Nickname: Clover- This is of Old English origin and means the “leaf of a clover plant”.

Twin Cannon – Nickname: Twin- Old English meaning “consisting of two”.

Two Shadow – Nickname: Shadow- This means “the effect of interception of sunlight” and is of Old English origin.

Tabaxi Names That Start with U

Unplugged Cart – Nickname: Cart- This means “wagon” and is of Old English origin.

Tabaxi Names That Start with V

Velvet Block – Nickname: Velvet- Latin origin meaning “shaggy hair”.

Velvet Luck – Nickname: Luck- This is of Middle Dutch origin and means “fortune good or bad”.

Velvet Wave – Nickname: Velvet- Latin origin meaning “shaggy hair”.

Vibrant Device – Nickname: Vibrant- Latin origin meaning “vigorous, full of life”.

Vibrant Trail – Nickname: Vibrant- Latin origin meaning “vigorous, full of life”.

Violet Brush – Nickname: Violet- Old French pertaining to “small wild plant with purplish-blue flowers”.

Tabaxi Names That Start with W

Wild Bubble – Nickname: Wild- Old English meaning “refuse to be tamed”.

Wild Veil – Nickname: Wild- Old English meaning “refuse to be tamed”.

Windy Shore – Nickname: Shore- This name means “land bordering a large body of water” which is of Old English origin.

Wing of an Angel – Nickname: Angel- Old English origin meaning “spiritual beings”.

Wonder of the World – Nickname: Wonder- Meaning “marvelous thing” and is of Old English origin,

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