Looking for Easton’s middle name? You’ve arrived to the right page! But first, let’s take a look at the meaning of Easton.

The name Easton is derived from a place name in England that was originally given to a family member. The Olde English phrase “be eastan tune” denoted a location that was east of a town or village.

The direction is clearly denoted by the word “east,” and the Olde English word “tūn” means ‘town, settlement,’ respectively. The name Easton originated in the 13th century, but Easton as a given name is a relatively recent invention.

The direction of the sunrise is east, which is symbolic of the beginning of a new day. The east and sunrise are depicted in the Bible as symbols of God’s light and glory. East is associated with health, harmony, family, transformation, and the beginning of a new life according to Feng Shui.

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