Looking for Claire’s middle name? You’ve arrived to the right page! But first, let’s take a look at the meaning of Claire.

Claire’s meaning – Claire is a lovely, short name that means “clear and brilliant.” It is a variant of the name Clara and has a French origin.

Claire is a Normalized version of the Latin name Clara. This beautifully delicate name has a strong feminine feel to it and is growing in popularity.

Claire is becoming more popular, despite the fact that it has been a top 100 girl name since the late 1990s. Claire was ranked 57th on the popular girl’s name list in 2020, with 3,711 births accounting for 0.2916 percent of all childbirths that year.

Take a look at these gorgeous middle names for Claire


Claire Abigail

Claire Addie

Claire Addison

Claire Adelaide

Claire Adele

Claire Adeline

Claire Alexa

Claire Alexandra

Claire Amelia

Claire Ann

Claire Antonia

Claire Arabella

Claire Audrey

Claire Aurelia

Claire Aurora

Claire Autumn

Claire Ava

Claire Avery


Claire Beatrice

Claire Belle

Claire Bethany

Claire Brooklyn

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Claire Caitlin

Claire Caroline

Claire Catherine

Claire Cecilia

Claire Cerys

Claire Charlotte

Claire Chloe

Claire Christina

Claire Ciera

Claire Cora


Claire Daisy

Claire Daphne

Claire Delilah

Claire Destiny

Claire Dorothy


Claire Eileen

Claire Eleanor

Claire Eleanora

Claire Elise

Claire Eliza

Claire Elizabeth

Claire Ellen

Claire Eloise

Claire Elsa

Claire Elyse

Claire Emily

Claire Emma

Claire Emmalee

Claire Emmeline

Claire Erin

Claire Estelle

Claire Esther

Claire Evangeline

Claire Evelyn

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Claire Florence

Claire Frances

Claire Frances


Claire Georgia

Claire Grace

Claire Grace


Claire Harriet

Claire Heather

Claire Helena


Claire Isabel

Claire Isabella

Claire Isla

Claire Isobel

Claire Ivy

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Claire Jean

Claire Jeanne

Claire Jennie

Claire Jessica

Claire Jisou

Claire Josephine

Claire Joy

Claire Julia

Claire Juliana

Claire Juliet


Claire Kara

Claire Katelyn

Claire Katherine

Claire Kathryn

Claire Katie

Claire Kelsey

Claire Kendall

Claire Kylie


Claire Lavinia

Claire Lillian

Claire Lilliana

Claire Lillie

Claire Lilly

Claire Lily

Claire Lisa

Claire Lois

Claire Lorelei

Claire Lorraine

Claire Louisa

Claire Love

Claire Lucille

Claire Lucinda

Claire Lydia

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Claire Mackenzie

Claire Madeline

Claire Madison

Claire Margaret

Claire Marguerite

Claire Martha

Claire Matilda

Claire May

Claire Megan

Claire Millie

Claire Milly

Claire Mirabelle


Claire Nadine

Claire Naomi

Claire Natalie

Claire Olivia

Claire Orla


Claire Rebecca

Claire Renee

Claire Ronnie

Claire Rosalie

Claire Rosalind

Claire Rose

Claire Rowan

Claire Ruby


Claire Samantha

Claire Savannah

Claire Scarlett

Claire Sienna

Claire Sierra

Claire Sophia

Claire Sophie

Claire Stella

Claire Summer

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Claire Teresa

Claire Thea

Claire Theodora


Claire Victoria

Claire Viola

Claire Violet

Claire Vivienne


Claire Willow

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Claire Zara

When considering middle names, write down the initial name, middle name, and surname all at once — and pronounce them out loud!

Claire’s middle name may be a nickname for the baby, therefore it’s a good idea to pick one. Claire will have an excellent future choice with a middle name.

Claire is a lovely name as well, and it would be much more lovely with such a middle name to complete the style! We hope you’ve already decided what you want from our selection! Best of luck and congrats!

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