When coming up with baby boy names, parents do not usually think of names starting with the letter Y. Not many people know that there are so many beautiful baby boy names that start with Y. Most of them are traditional, Biblical, and have very beautiful meanings.
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If you are planning on giving your little prince a name that starts wit Y, below is a list of over 100 names that start with Y. They are of different origins, so you have plenty of options. Let us know what you think!
Yaachan- This is a very unique name that is of Hindi origin and means “prayer.”
Yaacob- This name means “he who supplants” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yaaja- This is of Hindi origin and means “One who is the king of all.”
Yaakov- Of Hebrew origin and means “he who supplants.”
Yaalvendan- This name is of Indian origin and means “ruler of Yaalpaanam.”
Yaamya- This name is one of the names of Vishnu or Shiva and is of Indian origin.
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Yaar- This short name means “forest” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yaashk- This is of Sanskrit origin and means “exerting.”
Yaashvan- This name means “winner” and is of Sanskrit origin.
Yaatiesh- A name if Indian origin and means “lord of devotees.”
Yachim- This name means “established by God” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yachov- A variation of Yaacob and is of Hebrew origin. This name means “he who supplants.”
Yacoub- This is of Greek origin and means “from the forest.”
Yacov- A beautiful name that means “God prevails.”
Yadab- This is of Hindu origin and means “Lord Krishna.”
Yadaspati- This name means “lord of marine animals” and is of Hindu origin.
Yadav- A Hindu origin which translates to “lord Krishna.”
Yadavaprakasa- A variation of Yadav and is of Hindu origin which means “lord Krishna.”
Yadhav- This is of Hindu origin and means “descendant of Yadu.”
Yadhu- A name of Sanksrit origin which means “one who gives or grants blessings.”
Yadid- A beautiful name of Hebrew origin and means “friend” or “beloved.”
Yadnya- This is of Hindi origin and means “the holy fire.”
Yadnyesh- This is of Hindu origin and means “One who is the lord of life.”
Yadon- A Hebrew name that means “He will judge.” It can also mean “grateful” or “thankful.”
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Yadu- This is of Hindi origin and means “an ancient king.”
Yaeko- This name is of Japanese origin and means “child of the double bouquet.”
Yael- Of Hebrew origin and means “mountain goat.” It can also mean “heights,” “upland,” or “fertile moor.”
Yafe- This name is of Hebrew origin and means “handsome” or “beautiful.”
Yafeu- This is of Egyptian origin and means “one who is strong and adventurous” or “bold.”
Yagil- This is of Hebrew origin which means “celebrate” or “he will rejoice.”
Yago- Of Welsh origin which means “he who supplants.”
Yaholo- This is f Native American origin and means “he who yells.”
Yahto- This name is of Hebrew and Native American origins and means “blue.”
Yahya- Of Arabic in origin and means “God is gracious.”
Yakar- This name means “precious” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yakim- A beautiful name that means “established by God” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yakir- A name of Hebrew origin meaning “precious” or “dear.”
Yakov- This name is of Slavic in origin and means “the supplanter.”
Yale- Thi beautiful name is of Welsh origin and means “heights,” or “upland” but it can also mean “fertile moor, “energetic,” or “life.”
Yamin- This name is of Hebrew origin and means “son of the right hand” or “son of the south.” It can also mean “son of my old age.”
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Yan- A name of Slavic origin which means “God’s grace” or “God’s gift.”
Yanai- This name is of Aramaic origin and means “He will answer.”
Yancy- This name is of Hindi origin and means “from the Yamuna river.”
Yankel- This name is of Latin origin and means “Yahweh is my savior.” It can also mean “held by the heel,” “heel-grabber,” and “leg-puller.”
Yanky- Of Hebrew origin and this name means “holder of the heal.”
Yann- This name means “God is gracious” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yannik- This name is of Hebrew origin and means “Yahweh is gracious.”
Yaphet- This name means “comely” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yaqub- This is of Hebrew origin and means “he who supplants.”
Yardlee- This cute name means “fenced meadow” and is of English origin.
Yarin- A name of Hebrew origin and means “happiness” or “to be happy.” This can also mean “to understand.”
Yarognev- Of Norman origin and means “one who is enthusiastic and full of life.” It can also mean “he who is fierce.”
Yaromir – This is of Russian origin and means “he who is a lover of peace.”
Yaron- This name is of Hebrew origin and translates to “singing.”
Yas- A short name that means Jasmine flower and is of Arabic origin.
Yasahiro- This name translates to “serene” and is of Japanese origin.
Yaseer- This name means “well to do” and is of Arabic origin.
Yates- This refers to ‘the gates” and is of English origin.
Yavin- This name is of Arabic origin and means “easy, simple, homely, small.”
Yazdan- This strong sounding name is of Arabic origin and means “light of the universe” or “merciful and kind.”
Yazeed- This is of African origin and means “becoming greater.”
Yechudi – This name translates to “praise” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yehochanan- This is of Ancient Greek origin and means “Yahweh is compassionate.”
Yehoshua- A name that translates to “Jehovah is salvation” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yehuda- This is of Hebrew origin and means “exalt, “praise” or “thanks.”
Yehudi- This is of Hebrew origin and means “praise” or “exalt.”
Yeoman- This is of English origin and means “attendant” or “servant.”
Yeremia- This name is of Hebrew origin and means “the Lord exalts.”
Yeshaya- This is of Hebrew origin and means “gift.”
Yestin- Of Welsh origin and means “just.”
Yev- This name is of Russian origin and means “child of snow” or “well-born.”
Yevgeniy- A variation of Yev meaning “well-born” or “noble” and is of Russian origin.
Ygor- This name means “yew,” “bow army”, and “farmer.” This is of Russian origin.
Yigal- This name is of Ukrainian origin and means “eve life.”
Yisachar- A name of Hebrew origin and means “His reward will come.”
Yishai- This name means “the Lord exists” and is of Hebrew origin.
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Yisreal- This is of Norse origin meaning “the tree that binds heaven hell and earth.”
Yissachar- This name means “His reward will come” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yitzhak- This name translates to “laughter” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yngraham- This name means “raven of peace” or “raven of Anglia” and is of Scandinavian origin.
Yo- This name means “honest” and is of Cambodian origin.
Yochanan- This name translates to “God is gracious” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yoel- This name means “Jehovah is the Lord” and is if Hebrew origin.
Yogi- This name is of Indian origin and means “master of oneself.”
Yohann- This name is of German origin and means “Yahweh is gracious.”
Yohannan- This name means “God is gracious” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yonas- This name translates to “dove” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yong- This name is of Chinese origin and means “courageous.”
Yorgo- This name means “lion” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yorick- This is of Greek origin and means “earth worker.”
York- This is of Old English origin and means “boar settlement” or “yew settlement.”
Yosef- This name is of Hebrew origin and means “He will enlarge.”
Yosemite- This name is of Native American and means “those who kill; grizzly bears.”
Yoshi- A Japanese origin and means “adopted son.”
Youman- This name is of English origin “attendant” or “servant.”
Yrjö- This name means “farmer” or “earthworker” and is of Finnish origin.
Ysgawyn- This is of French origin and means “devoted to God.”
Ysrael- Of Welsh origin which means “God contends.”
Yu- This name is of “Chinese” origin and means “jade,” “precious stone,” or “gem.”
Yul- This short and cute name is of Mongolian origin and means “beyond the horizon” or “youthful, downy-bearded.”
Yule- An English origin meaning “born at Christmas.”
Yuma- This name is of Native American origin and means “son of a chief.”
Yura- This name means “Basque,” “youthful,” and “young.”
Yuri- This name is of Russian origin and means “farmer.”
Yurik- A Russian origin and means “youthful.”
Yussuf- A name of Hebrew origin and means “Jehovah increases.”
Yusuf- A variation of Yussuf and is of Hebrew origin. It means “He will enlarge.”
Yuszef- This name means “Jehovah increases” and is of Hebrew origin.
Yuval- This is of Hebrew origin and means “ram’s horn.”
Yves- A name of Scandinavian origin and means “archer.”
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Yvor- This name means “yew” or “bow army” and is of Scandinavian origin.
A lot of these names have ancient and biblical origins so if you are looking for names in that category, then any of these boy names that start with Y will make a great name for your little prince.