If you’re on the search for octopus jokes to make your friends and family laugh, then look no further. We’ve got your back! 

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Q: What do you get when you cross an octopus with a cow? 

A: An animal that milks itself 

Q: What sea creatures say hello sixteen times?

A: Two octopuses shaking hands 

Q: What held the baby octopus for a ransom?

A: Squidnappers 

Q: What do octopus knights wear? 

A: A coat of arms 

Q: What story do octopus parents read to their kids?

A: Octopuss in boots 

Q: What was the octopuses favorite cartoon?

A: Octonauts 

Q: What type of cat has eight legs and loves to swim?

A: An octopussy 

Q: What do you call an octopus musician?

A: A rocktopus 

Q: What did the squid sheriff put together to find the outlaw cowboy?

A: An octoposse 

Q: What would be good about crossing a turkey with an octopus? 

A: Everyone would get a drumstick on Thanksgiving 

Q: What has 72 arms and catches flies? 

A: An octopus baseball team 

Q: How do you know the bathroom is in use when you’re at an octopus party?

A: The sign on the door says “Octopied” 

Q: What has eight legs and turns into a truck? 

A: Octopus Prime 

Q: How do we know that octopuses can’t commit crimes? 

A: They don’t have a bad bone in their body 

Q: How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? 

A: Tentacles (Ten tickles) 

Q: What is a play on words among sea creatures?

A: Octopuns 

Q: Where do female sea creatures keep their money?

A: In their octopurse 

Q: What did the octopus use to make jelly? 

A: Ocean currants 

Q: What do you call good characteristics of an octopus?

A: It’s octo-pluses 

Q: What did the doctor check on his octopus patient? 

A: His octopulse 

Q: Who was the most infamous pirate octopus? 

A: Captain Squid 

Q: What did the octopus say to its sweetheart? 

A: You octopi my heart 

Q: What do you call an octopus who thinks the glass is always half full?

A: An octomist 

Q: What looks like half an octopus?

A: The other half?

Q: What do you call an octopus with 2 arms? 

A: A platypus 

Q: How do young fish get to school?

A: By octobus 

Q: What do you call a job for an octopus?

A: Its octopation 

Q: When are all octopuses born? 

A: October 

Q: What did the octopus blush?

A: He saw the ocean’s bottom 

Q: How much did the vet charge to treat the octopus? 

A: Six squid 

Q: What do you call a flying octopus?

A: An octocopter 

Q: What’s an octopus’s favorite shape? 

A: An octagon 

Q: What has eight arms and tells the time?

A: A clocktopus 

Q: Why was the octopus dangerous? 

A: He was well armed 

Q: What do you call octopus twins

A: i-tenticle 

Q: What did the octopus cross the reef?

A: To get to the other tide 

Q: What magical sport do octopuses play?

A: Squidditch 

Q: Where does an octopus sleep when he’s camping?

A: In a tent-acle 

Q: What do octopuses put on their toast? 

A: Ocean current jam 

Q: What do you call a confident octopus?

A: Tenta-cool 

Q: Why did the octopus blush?

A: Because the seaweed 

Q: What sea creature can add up?

A: An octo-plus 

Q: How do you know when an octopus has diarrhea?

A: It leaves squid-marks 

Interviewer: What makes you think you’d be a good waiter here?

Octopus: I just feel like I could bring a lot to the table 

Octopus 1: What should I do if I can’t swim?

Octopus 2: Use ink if you can’t float 

Q: What does a shoe call an octopus?

A: A socktopus 

Q: How did the octopus pay for his newspaper?

A: With ten nickels 

Q: Did you hear about the octopus that played football?

A: He had ten tackles 

Q: What’s an octopus’s favorite toy?

A: His eight little legos 

Q: Did you know that the octopus is the only sea creature with tentacles? 

A: Just squidding 

Q: Why’d the giant octopus eat two ships filled with potatoes?

A: Because you can’t eat just one potato ship 

Q: An octopus was filing a TV Show, but they had to temporarily stop filming 

A: They were experiencing tentacle difficulties 

Q: What was wrong with the busy octopus? 

A: Nothing, he was just octopi’d 

Q: What did the octopus say to the fox?

A: What are you doing in the ocean?

A recruiter asks an octopus if he wants to join the army.

The octopus says, “No thanks, I’m army enough as it is.”

Q: Why was the Mexican octopus angry at the shark?

A: Because he ate his ten tacos 

A boy goes to the cinema and is shocked to see an octopus sat next to him. “How come you’re here?” the boy asks.

“I enjoyed the book” said the octopus. 

Q: I saw an octopus dancing at the marine disco 

A: It pulled a mussel 

Q: Where do octopuses sleep?

A: On the seabed 

I saw a singing octopus once, in the choral reef 

Q: Why is an octopus always bored?

A: Because nothing is ever interest-ink 

Q: How does an octopus secure its home at night?

A: With a lock-topus on its door 

Q: What do you call an octopus that’s into sports? 

A: A jock-topus 

Q: What do you call a group of octopi with tangled tentacles? 

A: A grid-locked-opus 

Q: What do you call an octopus’s job? 

A: An octo-pation 

Q: What is an octopus’s favorite band? 

A: Ink Floyd 

Q: What do you call an octopus that can talk to frogs? 

A: A croak-topus 

Q: Did you hear about the guy with the octopus tattoo? 

A: He was all “inked” up 

Q: Why did the octopus make a good drill sergeant? 

A: He was arm-y 

Q: Why did the electrician hire an octopus? 

A: Because many hands make light work 

Q: How did the octopus lose weight? 

A: He went on a low-crab diet 

Q: What do you call it when two octopuses have each other’s backs? 

A: Squid pro quo. 

Q: Why didn’t the octopus fight the shark?

A: Because he was spineless 

Q: What’s a squid’s favorite pudding? 

A: Octo-pie 

Q: What is the biggest danger for a baby octopus

A: Squid-nappers 

Q: What’s an octopus’s favorite month? 

A: October 

Q: How does an octopus propose to his girlfriend?

A: I would like to ask for your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, in marriage 

Q: What is an octopus’s favorite number?

A: 3.14. They love octo-pi 

Q: What do you get if you cross an octopus and an alligator? 

A: A croc-topus 

Q: How do you know if a squid has swallowed a clock? 

A: You hear a tick tock-topus sound 

I had to take my pet octopus to the vets yesterday, don’t worry though. He’s okay. But the vet charged me six squid. 

Q: What did the octopus receive from the chiropractor? 

A: A back kraken 

Q: What do you call an affectionate octopus? 

A: A cuddle fish 

I went into a restaurant and I ordered octopus.

The waiter said, “It takes four hours.”

I asked why? He said “It keeps turning off the gas” 

Q: What type of keyboard does an octopus use? 


Q: How does a squid propose to its girlfriend? 

A: Will you cala-marry me? 

Q: What do you call an octopus with no tentacles? 

A: Bob 

Q: What sound does an octopus make?

A: A squid word 

Q: Why is an octopus always positive? 

A: Because it always sees the octo-plus side of things 

Q: What do you call a group of squid? 

A: A squad

We hope that you and your friends and family enjoyed these octopus jokes! We definitely had a good laugh reading and writing them. 

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