If you’re looking to give your family or friends a good giggle, then you should beeline for these jokes about bees! These should hopefully make you and your loved ones smile and laugh.
Q: Which bee gives you a second chance?
A: A plan B
Q: Why do bees hum?
A: Because they can’t remember the words
Q: What do you call a bee thats returned from the dead?
A: A zombee
Q: What did the bee say to the flower?
A: Hey bud!
Q: What do bees do when their friend moves into a new hive?
A: They throw them a house swarming party
Q: What’s another name for a wasp?
A: A wanna-bee
Q: Which singers do bees love?
A: Sting, Bee-yonce and the Bee Gees
Q: What did the bee say to the naughty bee?
A: Bee-hive yourself
Q: What do bees chew?
A: Bumble gum
Q: What do you call a bumble bee trying to make up its mind?
A: A maybee
Q: What do you call a bee who is having a bad hair day?
A: A frizz-bee
Q: What do you call a bee that works for the government?
A: A pollentician
Q: What’s black, yellow and flies at 30,000 feet?
A: A bee on an aeroplane
Q: Which sports do bees like the most?
A: Rug-bee
Q: What do you call a bee that’s hard to understand?
A: A mumble-bee
Q: What’s another name for a baby bee?
A: A little humbug
Q: Who says “zzub zzub zzub”?
A: A bee flying backwards
Q: A bumblebee, a spelling bee and a vitamin B got into a fight
A: The vitamin B1
Q: What do you call a bee that falls down a hill?
A: A stumble bee
Q: What do you get if you cross a horse and a bee?
A: Neigh buzz
Q: Where did Noah keep his bees?
A: In the ark hives
Q: Why are bees good at job interviews?
A: Because they know all of the buzz-words
Q: What do you call a beehive with no exits?
A: Unbelievable
Q: What kind of bee hums and drops things?
A: A fumble bee
Q: What would bears be without bees?
A: Just ears
Q: What’s a honey bee’s favourite kind of flower?
A: A bee-gonia
Q: How does a queen bee get around her hive?
A: She’s throne
Q: Why do bees have sticky hair?
A: Because they use honey combs
Q: What do bees do with their honey?
A: They cell it
Q: What’s a bees favourite body part?
A: Their hon-knees
Q: What do bees say when they get home from work?
A: Hi honey, I’m home!
Q: Where do bees keep their savings?
A: In a honey box
Q: Why did the honey bee queen’s dessert wobble when she tried to eat it?
A: Because it was royal jelly
Q: Where do bees catch a bus?
A: A buzz stop
Q: Where do bees go on holiday?
A: Stingapore and Beejing
Q: What did the bees do after they got married?
A: They went on a honeymoon
Q: Why did the bee go to jail?
A: It was caught nectar robbing
Q: What should you say to a nosey, interfering bee?
A: Mind your own buzziness!
Q: Why was the bee told off and made to stand in a corner?
A: Because it was mis-bee-hiving itself
Q: Why did the bees go on strike?
A: Because they wanted more honey and shorter working flowers
Q: Which is the bees favourite TV Channel?
A: BeeBee C
Q: What do bees call queen bee food when it has gone off?
A: Royal smelly
Q: What do you get if you cross a monkey house with a group of honey bee colonies in hives?
A: An ape-ary
Q: What do bees use to build roads?
A: Nec-tar
Q: What do you get if you cross a bee and a dog?
A: A bee-gle
Q: What do bees take with them when they go bird watching?
A: Bee-noculars
Q: What do bees use for energy?
A: Flower power
Q: What do bees write in their Valentines cards?
A: Honey bee mine
Q: What buzzes, is black and yellow and goes along the bottom of the sea?
A: A bee in a submarine
Q: What do you call a bee that doesn’t stop talking?
A: A blabb-bee
Q: What is a swarm of really small queen bees called?
A: The royal wee
Q: Why did the bee go to the dermatologist?
A: It had hives
Q: How do bees get to school?
A: The school buzz
Q: What did the bee businesswoman say?
A: We’re in bees-ness now
Q: I went to the bee keepers to buy some bees. All of the bees had a price tag on them except for one. It was a free-bee!
Q: Why are A’s like flowers?
A: Because bee’s come after them
Q: Knock knock
A: Who’s there?
Q: Abby
A: Abby who?
Q: A bee just stung me!
Q: What do you call a bee that prefers nectar to pollen?
A: Snob-bee
Q: What’s more dangerous than being with a fool?
A: Fooling with a bee
Q: Why do bees buzz?
A: Because they can’t whistle
Q: What did the spider say to the bee?
A: Your honey or your life
Q: What kind of bees make mill?
A: Boo-bees
Q: Who was the first bee to go into space?
A: Buzz Aldrin
Q: What did the bee in the hot tub say?
A: Swarm in here
Q: What animals are smarter than talking parrots?
A: Spelling bees
Q: What do you call a bee that lives in America?
Q: How do you fight a killer bee?
A: With a buzz-ooka
Q: What does a queen bee do when she burps?
A: She issues a royal pardon
Q: Why did the bee cross the road?
A: Just bee-cause
Q: What do you call a bee explorer?
A: Christopher Colum-buzz
Q: What do you call a bee who’s a sore loser?
A: A cry ba-bee
Q: What happened to the bee who got swatted by one of the walking dead?
A: He turned into a zom-bee
Q: Who’s a bee’s favourite artist?
A: Pablo Bee-casso
Q: What happened to the bee who couldn’t stop eating?
A: He got chub-bee
Q: What’s a bee’s favourite precious stone?
A: Ru-bee
Q: What do bees order at McDonalds?
A: Humburgers
Q: What did the husband bee say to his wife bee on their 30th anniversary?
A: Nothing, bees don’t live that long
Q: What do you call a dead bee?
A: A was
Q: Why do bees stay in the hive in the winter?
A: Swarm
Q: What does a wasp say when it’s having an identity crisis?
A: To bee or not to bee
Q: Who is a bee’s favourite children’s author?
A: Bee-atrix Potter
Q: How did the Japanese sauce say hello to the bee?
A: Wasa-bee!
Q: What do bees wear to the beach?
A: A bee-kini
Q: Who is a bee’s favourite classical music composer?
A: Bee-thoven
Q: What grades did the students get on their honey project?
A: Mostly Bees
Q: What happened when the bee phoned home?
A: She got buzzy signal
Q: What did the doctor bee say to the bee?
A: You’re going to bee okay
Q: What is a bees favourite dance music?
A: Bee-bop
Q: What is the most common blood type for happy bees?
A: Bee positive
Q: Can bees fly in the rain?
A: Not without their yellow jackets
Q: What do you call a bee that needs a drink?
A: Beehydrated
Q: What vehicle do bees like to ride?
A: A beecycle
Q: Knock knock
A: Who’s there?
Q: Honey bee
A: Honey bee who?
Q: Honey bee a dear and get me some water
Q: What happens if a witch casts a spell on a bee?
A: It gets bee-witched
Q: What did the bee say to his girlfriend?
A: I have pollen in love with you
Q: What did the bee girlfriend say in return?
A: Hive never felt this way bee-fore
Q: What do you call a bee born in May?
A: A May-bee
Q: What did one bee say to the prankster bee?
A: Quit pollen my leg
Q: What did the professor bee say to the student bee who asked a question about the course?
A: It’s on the sylla-buzz
Q: What do you call when honey falls on a bee?
A: A sticky situation
Q: Where do bees go on the weekend?
A: To the bee-ch
Q: Why was the pizza-delivery bee late?
A: It didn’t know which door to buzz in
Bees are a very important part of our ecosystem, and as you can see above, they’re also important for a good joke and laugh. We hope you’ve enjoyed this list of bee jokes and that it’s brought you closer to those you love.