Looking for baby girl names that start with S? We have listed down some of the most beautiful names that you can choose from.
We have included some of the most unique, classic, and popular girl names that start with S. We made sure to include the meanings and origins to help you make a great decision.
Choosing your baby’s name can be difficult. For many, it can even be a family affair. Everyone including grandma and grandpa has their own favorites and votes, making it harder to decide on one.
One tip I can share with you is that you go with your heart and you will never go wrong. Go through as many names as you can, and you will know you have found that one because you will feel it.
Flower Girl Names That Start With S
You will never go wrong with flower names. They never go out of style and some of these are so unique they make great conversation starters. These names are perfect for anyone who loves blooms and flowers.
Sage- An evergreen subshrub with blue and purplish flowers. Of Latin origin and means “wise”.
Sanne- Sanne is a cross between a Lily Tulip Ballerina and Triumph Tulip that has large elegant flowers. The name is of Dutch in origin and means “lily”.
Senna- The Senna plant is a large flowering plant in the legume family that produces yellow flowers. It is of Arabic origin and means “brightness”.
Susannah- This is an evergreen, perennial plant that has pale and dusky lilac flowers. Of Hebrew origin and means “lily,” “anemone,” or “true beauty”.
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Siga- Of Hebrew origin and means “violet flower”.
Sireli- Of Estonian origin and means “lilac flower”.
Snow- Derived from snow plant, a bright red colored plant that belongs to the Indian-pipe family. Of English origin and means “frozen rain” or “light-haired”.
Sorrel- This is a hibiscus plant that is used to make teas and drinks. Of Old French and German origin which means “reddish-brown hair”.
Susan- Of Hebrew origin and means “graceful lily”.
Saffron- An autumn-flowering perennial plant which filaments are made into an expensive culinary spice. Of Persian origin and means “gold leaves”.
Sharon- Of Hebrew origin and is the name of a place in ancient Palestine where many roses grew.
Nature Girl Names That Start with S
Nature names are always beautiful. They remind you of the bounties of the earth and you make the bearer feel always at one with the nature around her. Below are some of the most beautiful and unique nature names for girls that start with S.
Sequoia- Of Native American origin and means “giant red wood tree”. Sequoia trees are amongst the largest trees in the world.
Sky- This name is of Scandinavian origin and means “atmosphere seen from earth”. It can also mean “heavens”.
Soleil- Of French origin and means “sun”.
Solstice- The name is of English origin and means “position of the sun”.
Sparrow- A cute name that is of English origin. It means “small bird”.
Girl Names That Start with S Which Means or Related to Strength
Looking for a girl name that evokes strength and power? Who wouldn’t want for their child to grow up who fears nothing and no one. We all want or daughters to grow up strong and brave. Here are some girl names that are related to resilience and strength.
Sacha – Of Greek origin and means “defending warrior”.
Saida- Of Arabic origin and means “huntress” or “fortunate”.
Sandra – Of Greek origin and is the feminine version of Alexander . The name means “protector or defender of man”.
Sarki- This name is of African origin and means “chief”.
Shahan- Of Persian origin and means “king” or “queen”.
Shakti- The name is of Sanskrit origin and means “power”.
Shamra- Of Arabic origin and means “ready for battle.”
Sigrid- This is of Scandinavian origin and means “beautiful victory”.
Solveig- Of Scandinavian origin and means “the strong house” or “daughter of the sun”.
Sosthenes- This is of Greek origin and means “safe strength”.
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Are you organizing a baby shower. Imagine if you could:
- Quickly entertain a large group, without any prep time.
- Stop feeling stressed or guilty when you use a game to keep them busy.
- Feel confident the group will enjoy the game.
- Have more time to spend on the things you actually want to do.
For only $6 this complete pack of 10 fun baby shower games, and bonus thank you cards will keep your guest entertained with no prep involved. Whether it is in person or during your virtual baby shower party there is something for everyone. Just print and play.
Classic Girl Names That Start with S
Classic and old-fashioned girl names are some of the most beautiful names out there. They evoke timelessness and class.
Sadie- This is of English origin and means “princess”.
Sally- Of English origin and is a diminutive of the name Sara which is a short form of Salomon. It means “princess”, or “lady”.
Sarah- Of Hebrew origin and means “princess” or “noble woman”.
Scarlett- This is of English origin and means “red”.
Selena- Of Spanish origin and means “moon”.
Selma- Of Arabic origin and means “peaceful”.
Sophia- Of Greek origin and means “wisdom”.
Sophie- French origin and means “wisdom”.
Stella- This name is of Latin origin and means “star”.
Susannah- Of Hebrew origin and means “lily”.
Popular Girl Names That Start with S
Still not sure about what name too give your baby girl? You can always rely on the top trends to give you inspirations.
A study showed that people like familiarity and if a person has a popular and known name, he or she will most likely get more favorable results in most things in life especially in getting a job.
Whether this is true or not, popular names are popular for a reason. They are beautiful to the ears. Below are some of the most popular girl names that start with S.
Sabrina- This name is of Latin origin and means “the River Severn”.
Sadie- The name is of English origin and means “princess”.
Sage- The name is of Old French in origin and means “wise,” “knowledgeable,” or” learned”.
Saige- The name is of Latin origin and means “wise”.
Salem- This is of Hebrew origin and means “peace”.
Salma- This is of Arabic in origin and means “peace and safety”
Samantha- This name is of Greek origin and means
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Samara- Of Arabic origin and means “guardian” or “protected by God”.
Samira- This is of Arabic in origin and means “princess”.
Sandra- Of Greek origin and means “protector of man” or “defender of man”.
Saoirse- The name is of Gaelic origin and means “freedom”.
Sara- Of Hebrew origin and means “princess” or “lady”.
Sarah- Hebrew origin and means “princess”.
Sarai- This is or Hebrew origin and means “my prince”.
Sariah- The name is of American origin and means “princess”.
Sariyah- Hebrew origin and means “princess”.
Sasha- Of Russian origin and means “defender of men”.
Savanna- This is of Spanish origin and means “treeless plain”.
Savannah- This is of Native American origin and means “open plain”.
Sawyer- Of English origin and means “wood cutter”.
Saylor- Of Germanic origin and means “rope maker”.
Scarlet- This is of English origin and means “red”.
Selah- OF Hebrew origin and means “forever”.
Selena- This is of Spanish origin and means “moon”.
Selene- Of Greek origin and means “brightness”.
Serena- This name is of Latin origin and means “clear,” “tranquil,” or “serene”.
Serenity- Of English and French origin which means “calm” or “serene”.
Shannon- This is of Irish origin and means “old river”.
Related: MILKOLOGY: The Best Online Breastfeeding Course
Are you organizing a baby shower. Imagine if you could:
- Quickly entertain a large group, without any prep time.
- Stop feeling stressed or guilty when you use a game to keep them busy.
- Feel confident the group will enjoy the game.
- Have more time to spend on the things you actually want to do.
For only $6 this complete pack of 10 fun baby shower games, and bonus thank you cards will keep your guest entertained with no prep involved. Whether it is in person or during your virtual baby shower party there is something for everyone. Just print and play.
Shay- This name is of Irish origin and means “hawk”.
Shea- A variation of Shay and is of Irish origin which means “hawk”.
Shelby- Of English origin and means “a willow grove,” or “a place where willows grow.”
Sherlyn- Of American origin and means “beloved,” or “beautiful”.
Shiloh- Of Hebrew origin which means “peace”.
Shirly- Of Old English origin and means “bright meadow”.
Siena- Of Italian origin and means “reddish brown”.
Sienna- This is of Latin origin which means “to be old”.
Sierra- Spanish origin which means “mountain range”.
Simone- Of Hebrew origin which means “God has heard”.
Sky- Of Scandinavian origin which means “atmosphere seen from earth”
Skye- Of Scottish origin and taken from “Isle of Skye”.
Skyla- Of Dutch origin and means “sheltering”.
Skylar- Of English origin which means “noble scholar”.
Skyler- Of German origin which means “little warrior”.
Sloan- This name is of Gaelic origin and means “warrior”.
Sloane- The name is of Irish origin and means “raider”.
Sofia- Spanish origin and means “wisdom”.
Sonia- This is of Scandinavian origin which means “wisdom”.
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Sophia- Greek origin and means “wisdom”.
Sophie- French origin which means “wisdom”.
Stacy- English origin which means “resurrection”.
Stella- This is of Latin and Italian origin which means “star”.
Stephanie- This name is of Greek origin and means “crown”.
Stevie—A short form of Stephanie, of Greek origin and means “crown”.
Summer- This is of English origin which refers to the season of summer.
Sunny- This is of English origin which means “sunshine, happy, or cheerful temperament”.
Suri- The name is of Persian origin which means “red rose”.
Sutton- This name is of Anglo-Saxon origin which means “from the south town”.
Sydney- This name is of French origin which means “contraction of St. Denys”.
Sylvia- Of Latin origin and means “forest.”
Sylvie- Of Latin origin and a variation of Sylvia. This name means “forest”.
There you go, 100 of the most beautiful girl names that start with S! Which one is your favorite?