Middle names are often overlooked in the naming process. You may know that your child’s name is Declan, but you don’t know what middle name to give them for their second initial. Middle names can be meaningful, make a pun or be something cool!


An Irish name originating from the old Gaelic language spoken in ancient Ireland and Scotland, meaning “man of prayer.” Declan is a masculine name with an attractive sound that has been gaining popularity over time; it reached its highest point of usage by 2007 when it was given to 8847 baby boys making it the middle name 33rd most popular for boys of that year.

Here Are Some Middle Names You Can Give Your New Little Declan



Aiden is a middle name for Declan, which means “fire.” Aiden is a short name that has been given to thousands of babies since 1982.


Alastar is pronounced “al-AS-tar” and originates in Irish Gaelic to mean “defender;” this middle would work well with first names that end or start with A.


Middle name Alexander and first name Declan make a great pair. This middle is sometimes seen as Xander, which is popular on its own and has been used as a first name since 1996.


Middle name Anthony is a middle that means “flower.” This middle name, which works well with middle names that end with N or T.


Middle name Aodhan originates in Gaelic and means “fire.” This middle has been used for only a handful of boys since the late 1990s, surprising considering its meaning.


Avel as a middle name meets several criteria for being a great middle name. It sounds similar to favorite first name Aubrey.

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Middle name Barry means “spear;” this middle would work well with middle names that end or start with B.


Middle name Bennett is one of the middle names for Declan that has never been ranked in the middle 100 most popular middle names for boys.


Middle name Brandon was the 181st most popular middle name for boys between 1999 and 2014 but has not been ranked.


Brendan as a middle pair nicely with first names ending in -an as this Irish masculine proper noun means “prince.”


Middle name and first name Brennan means “raven.” Although the middle name Brennan has been used for boys since 1981, it didn’t crack the top 1000 middle names until 2010, five years after its use as a first name began.


Middle name Brian, which means “high;” this middle is very similar to Declan’s first name but with only one syllable. It would be a great choice if you like Declan but want something more simple or masculine.



The middle name Caolán is pronounced “Keelan.” It originates in Gaelic and means “slender”; this middle has not been ranked since 1999 when it held rank as the 898th most popular middle name for boys.


Middle name Cian is pronounced like the first two syllables of Declan but with a hard C (the middle one).


Cillian is a Gaelic name meaning “blind;” if you were or are blind, it would make sense, or if you wanted your child’s middle name to match their first name, this middle could work!


Collin as a middle is a popular choice for parents who want an Irish middle name for their middle child. Collin is short and easy to say, making it a good choice for middle child syndrome or middle names similar to first names.


Cormac is an Irish Gaelic middle name that means “charioteer” or “son of defilement.” It may be linked to Saint Cormac, who died in 903.


Darragh is an old Irish name originating from the Irish Gaelic language spoken in ancient Ireland and Scotland, “oak grove.”



Middle name Dean and first name Declan make a nice pair; middle name Dean became popular after actor James Spader used it for his son in 1995.


Diarmaid is an old Irish name originating from the Gaelic language spoken in ancient Ireland and Scotland, meaning “without envy.”


Donnchadh is pronounced exactly like its namesake Dillon but in the traditional Gaelic way with the middle “d” sounds like a soft “g.” Donnchadh means “brown warrior,” which works well if your little one has dark hair!


Donovan as a middle name is Gaelic, meaning “dark battle-lord;” this middle would work well with first names that end or start with D.


Middle name Dylan means “great sea,” which can be paired with many other names because of its symmetry.

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Emmett means “industrious” or “vigorous” and is a masculine Irish Gaelic middle that has been used as a first or last name since 1993 when it was ranked 735th among all middle names for boys in the United States.


Eoin is pronounced like the name Owen and has an attractive sound that would go great with a first name that starts or ends with a vowel, such as Declan. The middle name of one of Ireland’s most beloved authors and playwrights is Eoin Colfer.


Middle name Evan meaning “young warrior,” has been used sparingly since 2004 when it peaked in popularity, peaking at rank 940th.


Middle name Evanston is the middle name of Dash from the television show “The Incredibles” and means “estate of John;” middle Evanston would make your middle child feel like a superhero!



Finbar is an ancient Irish middle name that means “fair-haired.” It sounds beautiful when paired with any first name.


Middle name Finn meaning “fair;” this middle is very popular in Ireland after the youngest member of the country’s legendary group U2 (Bass guitarist Adam Clayton’s middle name).


Francis was ranked as the 927th most popular middle name for boys born in the United States between 1999-2014.


Frederic is an old German middle name that means “peaceful ruler;” it could be paired with first names like Declan or make your child sound like a distinguished ruler like Prince Frederic of Auburn!


Middle name Gabriel means “God is my strength;” if you feel like your little Declan may need God’s help or support, this middle could be for him!



Gannon as a middle sounds very similar to Connor. Suppose your family uses names that are similar in sound but different enough in their spelling not to get confused with each other every time they are mentioned. In that case, you might consider using Gannon as a middle for Declan.


Garrett as a middle is Gaelic and means “spear ruler.”


Geoffrey means “God’s peace;” the middle name Geoffrey would go well with first names like Declan.


Gerald is a perfect Gaelic middle name that means “rule of honor.” This middle would work well with first names like Declan or Gabriel!


Gilles is a French middle that means “servant” and would work well with many different types of middle names.


Glen can be paired nicely with cute Irish last names for a middle/first name combination. Glen is a middle that means “valley” and would work well with any middle name that starts with a vowel sound.


Middle name Graham meaning “gravelly homestead,” is a Scottish middle, but it has been used as an Irish first name because of its attractive sound.


Middle name Grant means “one who is great.” Grant has been ranked as the 478th most popular middle name for boys in the United States between 1999 and 2014.


This middle name means “son of the steward or bailiff” and originates from England. Grayson can also be used as a last or first middle initial, especially if you want to give a middle name to a future middle school or high school honor student!


Middle name Griffin means “son of the hawk;” if you were a fan of Disney animation Guardians of the Galaxy, little middle-name-Declan might like this middle!


Guillaume is a French middle name but has strong roots in the Irish Gaelic language, despite originating in the French culture. Guillaume is a middle that means “will-helmet” and would work well with middle names that start or end with an S sound.

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Middle name Hadley meaning “heather clearing,” was ranked 738th among all middle names for boys born in 2014, making it popular enough to consider if you are looking for middle options.


Hannibal is a rare Irish middle that’s virtually unheard of here in the United States; it would only be useful if paired with a unique first name, so you can’t use it alone! Hannibal means “grace of Baal.”


Harvey as a middle name has Latin origins but has been used by Irish boys since at least 1984 when middle name Harvey appeared on the list of top 1000 most common middle names every year between 1990-1994.


Middle name Hayden meaning “hay valley,” is middle with Latin origins that would pair nicely with a first, middle name that starts or ends with a Y sound, such as Declan.


This English name is another of the most popular middles; it can be used as a last or middle name thanks to its attractive sound! Heath meaning “heathland,” is given to an estimated 200 baby boys every year, so it’s not too common but not too unusual either.


Henry as a middle means “estate ruler” and has been used in Ireland since at least 1984 when it was ranked 955th among all middle names given to baby boys born in the United States that year.


This English middle means “from the holly tree” and would work well with Irish first names that start with a D. Hollis is given to about 100 baby boys as a middle name every year, so it’s not too common or too unusual.


Hugo is a Latin middle name but has been used as an Irish first and middle name because of its attractive sound; this middle would pair nicely with other Irish sounding first and/or middles.


Hugh is another English name that both English and Irish families have used throughout history! Hugh means “mind, intellect.”


Hudson means “son of Hudd.” If your family was big fans of the TV show Breaking Bad, this middle could work well on its own or pair with other popular middle names for boys.


Middle name Hunter is a Scottish middle that means “hunter” and would work well with middle names that start or end with H sounds.



The middle name Ian meaning “God is gracious,” has been used in the United States since 1984. Ian appeared on the list of the top 1000 most common middle names given to baby boys born that year.


Iarlaith means “lord.” If you wanted to give your middle-name-Declan something special without any letters shared, then Iarlaith could work well here. Also pronounced “YAR-lath,” which makes it easy to spell too.


Ilai means “God will uplift.” This Arabic name originated from Israel and was brought to America by African-American Muslims after being introduced by Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan during a Nation of Islam convention in 1995.


Ireland has Latin origins but has been used by Irish boys since at least 1984 when middle name Ireland appeared on the list of top 1000 most common middle names every year between 1990-1994. Today middle name middle is not given very often, with only an estimated 100 boys receiving it each year.


Isaac means “he will laugh” and has been used in Ireland since at least 1984 when it appeared on the list of top 1000 most common middle names given to baby boys born that year.


Ivan is a Russian middle that means “God is gracious” and has been used in Ireland since 1985 when middle name Ivan was ranked 9th among all middle names for baby boys born in the United States that year.



Jack as a middle name is short enough to pair nicely with short middle names or long first names. In 2014 middle name Jack was ranked 10th among all middle names for baby boys born in the United States according to NameVoyager.


Middle name Jaden meaning “the Lord is my God,” has Hebrew origins and would work well with middle names that start or end with an I sound such as Declan, Ibhan, and others.


James as a middle doesn’t have any particular origin but does have been used by Irish people since at least 1984 when it was ranked 469th among all middle names given to baby boys born in the United States that year. Today middle name middle isn’t used very often, but it could make a nice middle name for Declan.


Javier is a Spanish middle that means “the lord was gracious” and would work well with middle names that start or end with J sounds, such as Declan, Jaycee, Payton, etc.


Middle name Jaycee meaning “the Lord is gracious,” has biblical origins and would make a nice middle paired with middle names that start or end with J sounds, such as Declan.


Jaxon is an American masculine given name popular today. It comes from an occupational surname of Middle English origin, meaning “son of Jack” (a name itself susceptible of many forms and derivations).


Jeffrey means “god’s peace” and may be used in Ireland since at least 1985 when middle name Jeffrey was ranked 18th among all middle names given to baby boys born in the United States that year.


Middle name Jeremiah means “the Lord exalts” and has Hebrew origins with some biblical ties.


Middle name Jeremy, meaning “the Lord is exalted,” has Hebrew origins with some biblical ties.


Jordan meaning “descend,” has Hebrew origins with some biblical ties. Jordan as a middle name is a relatively recent introduction to the American social scene.


Jude means “praised” and is the English form of the Latin Judas, which was derived from Judah, meaning Israelite.


Middle name Justin meaning “one who is just,” has Greek origins with some biblical ties.


Jyri meaning “guardian of the sky,” comes from Scandinavian origins and would pair nicely with Irish first names.



Middle name Kaleb meaning “dog,” is a popular middle name choice within the Christian religion, especially for Baptisms.


Kameryn is a feminine middle name from Saint Camber, a British missionary monk and saint who lived in the middle of the 6th century.


Middle name Kamren means “beautiful” and comes from Hebrew origin; this middle works well paired with middle names beginning or ending with a K sound, like Declan.


Kaydin is an English masculine given middle name meaning “slender.”


Keir is an old Irish name originating from the Gaelic language spoken in ancient Ireland and Scotland, meaning “black.”


Middle name Kelvin meaning “narrow valley” has origins in Gaelic.


Kendry is of Irish Gaelic origin and means “warrior.”


Kenley is an English masculine middle name that comes from places that are derived from the Old English elements “knee” meaning “bentgrass,” and Leah” meaning “woodland clearing.”


Middle name Kennedy, meaning “alert,” is an Irish Gaelic masculine given name that has been popular in America since the middle of the 20th century, especially within older generations.


Jeremiah is of Hebrew origin and means “arise.”


Kian meaning “little,” comes from the Irish Gaelic language spoken in ancient Ireland; Kian was first introduced into America by Kathy Bates, who named her son Kian in 2000.


Middle name Kiefer meaning “barrel maker,” is of Germanic origin and has been popular since the mid 20th century.


Kieran is pronounced exactly like its namesake Eric but in the traditional Gaelic way, with the middle “k” sounding almost silent.


Middle name Kieryn meaning “little battle” is Irish Gaelic language spoken in ancient Ireland.


Middle name Kimball meaning “warrior chief,” is of Old English origin made famous in the US by American football player Robert Lane Kimball (born 1941).


Kyle is not only an American masculine given name popular today but also comes from an occupational surname of Middle English origin, meaning “the wood or glade.”


Kylee is an English feminine given name and comes from a surname that means either “woodland clearing” or “ford of the wild boar.”


Kyleigh is a middle name for Declan that means “slender and fair;” this middle name has been given to 36 baby girls in America since 2010.

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Middle name Lathan meaning “pleasant one,” is of Old English origin.


Middle name Lane comes from Middle English and means “wanderer.”


Middle name Larkin meaning “descendant of Larcan,” is an Irish Gaelic language spoken in ancient Ireland.


Middle name Levan, which comes from Hebrew origin and means “oak tree.”


Middle name LeVaughn means “little flame” and is of Irish Gaelic origin.


The middle name Levi meaning “attached,” is of Hebrew origin has been given to around 4,000 baby boys in the US within the last decade.


Liam falls on the list of top 100 middle names for boys between 2006-2010. However, it soon fell out of favor dropping from 73rd place (in 2009) to 155th place (in 2012).


Lincoln is a masculine given middle name that comes from places derived from the Old English elements “kind,” meaning “lake,” and “ford meaning “a river crossing.”


Lorcan is a very old Irish name meaning “fierce one.” A great middle to match another fierce boy’s name, such as Logan!


Lucas is a Latin masculine given middle name meaning “from Lucania.”



Middle name Macken meaning “son of Kenneth,” is of Scottish origin, with most American uses being derived from the occupational surname derived from the Gaelic elements “maigh” meaning “plain” or “field” with “ceann” meaning “head, chief.”


Mael is pronounced like Malcolm’s and has an attractive sound that would go great with a first name that starts or ends with a vowel, such as Declan. The middle name of one of Ireland’s most beloved authors and playwrights is Eoin Colfer; if your child used this middle, they might be destined for greatness!


Malachy means “devotee of Saint Columbkille.” The middle name was used by the Irish author, Brian Moore.


Marcus is a Latin masculine given middle name which means “defense” in ancient Rome. Several American Presidents have used this middle name, including Ronald Reagan, who chose it as his middle name.


Maxwell is a Scottish surname adopted into Middle English from the Gaelic elements “Mac.”


It is estimated that about 6% of baby boys are given middle names Miles each year in America, making it the 95th most popular middle name for your little guy between 2006-2010.

According to Name Voyager,

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Middle name Nathan meaning “gift from God” is of Hebrew origin and ranked as the 138th most popular middle name for baby boys in 2014.


Niall is pronounced exactly the same as its namesake Nile but with a harder sounding “k” instead of that soft “y” sound at the end. Niall means “champion” and is a middle name for Declan, popular between 1999-2007 when it ranked as the 75th most common middle name for boys.


Middle name Nolan meaning “honor” is of Irish Gaelic origin and ranked as the 145th most popular middle name for baby boys in 2014.



Oisin is pronounced with a long middle “o” like in the word home. The middle name means “little deer.” A great middle and first name combination and a popular middle in Ireland and Scotland!


Orson is an English masculine given middle name which means “bear cub.” The middle name of Orson Scott Card, award-winning author, inspires parents looking for middle names.


Owen is a masculine given middle name which means “well-born.” It is the middle name of American middleweight prizefighter, Paul Williams.



Middle name Paxton meaning “from the peaceful town,” is of English origin.


Pierce is a masculine given middle which means “rock” in French and has been used in America since the middle ages.



Middle name Quincy meaning “fifth,” is of English origin and has been used frequently in America since the middle 1800s with a recent spike in popularity after being chosen by an American television producer, Quincy Jones.

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Middle name Rafferty meaning “descendent of the red-haired one,” is of Irish origin and ranked as the 196th most popular middle name for baby boys in 2014.


Ramsay’s middle names are growing more popular by the day, especially if your first name is Declan! This middle name originated from the English language meaning “a baker’s village.”

Renan is an early English variant of Raymond’s masculine personal name, which means “advice; good advisor.”


Riley, an English surname that was derived from Old English elements ryge “ryegrass” + Leah, Old English for a “clearing” or “wood,” is another middle option for Declan.


Roderick is an English masculine given the middle name of Germanic origin, meaning “famous power.” Roderick MacLeish was named such, but you wouldn’t know it from his work as a publisher and vice president at Houghton Mifflin Company!


Rónán is an old Irish name originating from the Gaelic language spoken in ancient Ireland and Scotland, which means “little seal.”


Ronin is a Japanese word (meaning “wave man, wanderer”) that had become popular since the 1980s when film director John Frankenheimer made it the title of his action-thriller starring middle-name middle Jean Reno.



Santiago is a Spanish masculine given middle name which means St. James. St. James the Greater is the patron saint of Spain and was one of Jesus’ twelve apostles, so it’s no wonder that this name became popular in America after Christopher Columbus set foot there!


Saxton’s middle name, meaning “from the farm by the pond,” is of English origin.


Seamus was used by the main character of the best-selling book series Fifty Shades of Grey written by E. L. James. The middle Seamus means “one who supplants” and makes a great middle name for your little guy, such as Declan.


Seanan is an Irish Gaelic middle name meaning “God.” This came from Scotland, where it spelled “Seathan,” which means “God.” The middle name of Sean Bean, middle name middle famous for his role in the Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones series.


Sebastian means “revered” and is of Latin origin. Stated middle-name middle Seb (popularized by British pop star George Michael) ranked as 4th most popular middle name for baby boys.


Shane is an Irish baby’s first name used today to mean “God is gracious” or “grace of God.”


Shawn is an Irish masculine middle name that can be used as a first or last middle. It is pronounced “SHAWN” like the first five letters of its moniker suggest.


Sian is a Welsh feminine middle name meaning “Goddess.” It ranked among the top middle names for baby girls by Name Voyager since 1950 and ranked 538th most common middle name for baby girls tracked by Social Security Administration (SSA) in 2015.


Sidney comes from either the French form of Simon, which means “to listen intently,” or it can mean “man of prayer,” which makes it perfect for your little boy!


Stewart is a very popular Scottish masculine given middle name meaning “steward” or “guardian.” This middle is often used with first names beginning with steel such as Declan!


Sullivan is an Irish surname brought to America by Irish immigrants in the 19th century who brought their traditions and surnames with them. It comes from Ó Sulleváin, which means “descendant of Sullivan’s son,” making it a great middle for baby boys today.


Middle name Sylvester became popular after actor Sylvester Stallone used it in 1976 or 1977, making Stephen Colbert’s middle name “Sylvester” his middle-middle name! In 2014, middle name Sylvester was ranked 961st among all middle names for boys in the United States.



Tadhg is an Irish Gaelic middle name meaning “poet.” You can pair this middle with any traditional Irish first name beginning with the letter “D” like Declan!


Tennyson is an English surname that became popular after 1840 when American poet Alfred Lord Tennyson was given the British peerage title of Baron. It also has several meanings connected to water in Celtic languages, including “island dweller,” “water,” and “flowing.”


Thompson is an English masculine given middle name derived from Tom’s common middle name, “twin.”


Tiber comes from the river Tiber that runs through Rome. This middle could be used with any traditional Irish first name, beginning with “D” like Declan!


Tiernan is an old Irish Gaelic name meaning “little lord.”


Tierney comes from an Old Gaelic word which means “lordly one,” making it the right middle to bestow on your little boy! This middle is popular throughout Ireland today.


Tyrone is the name of a city in Northern Ireland and an Irish baby boy’s middle name that has been given to boys since 2010 and ranks as #742 on the list of most popular middle names for baby boys born between 2006-2010.

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Uilleam is pronounced like the name William but in the traditional Gaelic way, with the middle “u” sounding like a soft “g.”


Una is an old Irish Gaelic name meaning “unity; oneness.” A great middle for anyone who feels like their middle-Declan personifies the concept of “oneness!”



Valentine middle names are very popular middle names for boys these days; it’s also classic enough that it will stand the test of time. The middle name of actor David Ramsey is Valentine.



Willow middle names are very popular middle names for girls these days; it’s also classic enough that it will stand the test of time. The middle name of One Tree Hill actress Hilarie Burton is Willow.


Wyatt is a middle name that is becoming more popular by the day, especially if your middle name is Declan! This middle name originated from the English language meaning “from the village of wigtts; brave warrior.”



Yarlath middle names are very popular middle names for boys these days. The middle name of actor Stephen Amell is Yarlath.



This middle name originated from Hebrew and means “the Lord remembers.”


This middle name originated from the Greek meaning “defender of men.”

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