Anna is a pretty name, and it’s no wonder that so many people have been drawn to this name over the years. However, some people may not be aware of just how popular Anna has become in recent years. In fact, according to the Social Security Administration, “Anna” was ranked as one of the top 100 most popular names given to newborn girls in 2014!
With such increasing popularity for Anna as a baby girl’s first name comes increased interest from parents looking for middle names for their little ones with this moniker. But what are all of these different options?
To help answer that question, we compiled this list of middle names for Anna!
Suggested Middle Names For Anna
This middle for Anna is a surname that has been around for centuries.
This is a great Irish name that means “descendant of Adam .”
This name is not just a great middle for Anna, but it’s an ideal first name choice as well.
This middle name is considered to be one of the most popular choices when it comes to pairing Anna with another first or last name.
This middle for Anna hails from Greek mythology. The goddess of love and beauty makes this an ideal choice for parents looking to make their little one as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside!
This middle for Anna gets its moniker due to the fruit created in the Garden of Eden.
This name is a variant of Arnold, which means “eagle power.”
This middle for Anna was derived from the name of a town that is located in England.
Aspen trees are one of nature’s most beautiful creations, and this makes them a perfect namesake option when it comes to naming your baby.
This is another great name for Anna popularized in Greek mythology when the goddess of dawn, Aurora, fell in love with a beautiful man named Tithonus.
This one means “great,” and it’s a great alternative to the more popular Augustine designation.
If you are a fan of “The Notebook,” then this is the name for your baby!
This middle for Anna was popularized in Anne Of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. The author took her own family’s surname and used it as the main character’s given name when penning these stories that have become a beloved piece of Canadian literature.
The name Azalea has several meanings, including “of the sun” and “yellow.”
This middle name is of Old French origin, and it means “bailiff.”
This middle for Anna gets its name from a group of people that are located in Iran.
This is another great surname option derived from the occupation of a barber, which comes from the Latin word “Barba,” meaning “beard.”
This middle for Anna is rooted in Latin, and it means “bringer of joy.”
This middle for Anna is often used as a first name, but you can also give it to baby girls. The meaning of Beauregard is “good view.”
This one is another German surname that means “beer maker” or simply someone from where beer was made.
Short, sweet, and to the point! If you are looking for an easy name option that will leave everyone asking where this name originated from, look no further than this Italian moniker!
This middle for Anna is derived from the Hebrew name Benedict which means “blessed.”
You may consider this one a more old-fashioned option, but it’s still a viable choice when looking for great middle names for your baby girl.
This cute moniker can also serve as your little girl’s first name since it goes by both versions! Its meaning of being small and round makes this a perfect option for parents that want to give their baby girl an equally small and cute middle name!
This one is another German surname that means “bright people.”
If you are looking to go in an Old English direction with your name choices, then this may be the best option out there! Bettye has been around since before 1500, and its meaning comes from “birch tree island.”
This name is a top choice for parents all around the world. Its meaning of being from a beaver stream makes it an ideal option if you want to give your baby girl a name that has some meaning behind it.
This Italian name is another top choice for parents all around the world. It has several meanings that range from “white” to “shining one.”
This lovely Irish name has many meanings related to water sources, including spring wells and choice, but it’s still just as nice today.
This name is of Old English origin, and it means “cheerful.”
This middle for Anna has a French meaning of being from the hills.
This name means “pretty” in Spanish, and it’s a great option for parents that want to give their baby girl an equally pretty middle name.
This moniker has several meanings, including “pretty” and “good.” It’s also a nickname that is derived from the name Bonita.
This moniker has a French meaning of “strong.” It’s another great option if you are looking for a name that has some meaning behind it.
This one is a more modern option, but it still retains its beautiful feminine meaning of “strong.”
This is a Welsh name that means “hill.” It’s also used as both a first and middle name.
This moniker has a Latin meaning of being from the vineyard, and it’s another great option for parents that want to give their baby girl a name with some meaning behind it.

This French moniker is the perfect option for parents looking to give their baby girl a name with some history behind it.
This moniker is of Greek origin, and its meaning stems from “shining upon man.” It’s also the perfect option if you want to give your baby girl an exotic but still very feminine middle name!
This Spanish name has several meanings, including “pure” and even simply someone from where you made cheese.
If you are looking for yet another Latin-inspired choice, then this may be the best option out there! Cecilia means “blind” in Latin, and it can serve as both a first or middle name depending on what you decide to do with your little one’s full birth certificate later down the road.
This French name means “petite,” and it’s a top choice for parents worldwide.
If you are looking to go in a Greek direction, then this may just be your best option out there! Chloe has been around since 800 B.C, and its meaning comes from “green shoot.”
This moniker is of Greek origin, and it means “follower of Christ.” It’s also the perfect choice if you want to give your baby girl both a first and middle name that will leave everyone asking where they heard about such a unique setup!
This Latin moniker is one of those names that has stood the test of time and remained extremely popular throughout history. Its meaning is “bright and famous.”
This moniker has a Latin meaning of being constant or firm. It’s also one that could serve as either a first or middle name, depending on what you decide to do with your little one’s full birth certificate later down the road.
If you are looking for yet another German option, then this may just be the best choice out there! Cora means “maiden” in German, and it can serve as both a first and middle name if desired, although it is more commonly seen as a given first name these days.
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Daisy is another great English choice, especially for parents that want their baby girl to have an immediately recognizable nickname without having her go by something completely different like “Sarah” or “Beth.” Daisy is also the perfect middle name for anyone that decides to give their baby girl a more traditional first name like Anna.
This moniker has several meanings, including being either connected with Zeus (in Greek mythology) or associated with hunting in general. It’s another great choice if you are looking for something specific but want to choose from options that aren’t too foreign!
Eleanor comes from Old German, and its meaning stems from both “bright” and one who shines brightly on others.
If you are looking for yet another Latin option, then this may just be your best bet out there! Elena means bright in Spanish, so it goes well as either a first or middle name choice.
This moniker is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning comes from “pledged to God.” It’s also the perfect option if you want your baby girl to have both a first and middle name that will leave everyone asking where they heard about such a unique setup!
Ella has been steadily rising in popularity over the last several decades, so it may be time for parents out there to hop on board with this great English option? Its meaning stems from being “the lady” or simply someone wealthy, mighty, powerful.
If you are looking for yet another German option, then this may just be the best choice out there! Ellen means bright, shining light in German, and it can serve as both a first and middle name if desired.
If you want to go with an Old German option, then Eva is certainly something worth considering when naming your baby girl Anna. The meaning behind its unique moniker stems from “life” or simply someone who was lively, full of life.
This moniker has a Scottish origin, and it means “fair” or even simply someone fair in appearance. It’s also the perfect option for parents that want their baby girl to have both a first and middle name all at the same time.
Francesa has been steadily rising in popularity over the last several decades, so it may be for parents out there to hop on board with this great English option? Its meaning stems from being free, which will explain why it’s so popular among parents these days.

If you are looking for yet another Greek option, then this may be your best bet out there! Gaia means Mother Earth in Greek, so it’s the perfect middle name choice if you want to honor your parents with one great moniker.
Gabriella has been steadily rising in popularity over the last several decades, so it may be time for parents out there to hop on board with this great English option?
If you are looking for something more Italian, then Gemma may be a perfect choice out there! It means “gem” or precious stone, and its popularity has been steadily growing over the past several decades as well.
This Italian option is a shortened version of Giovanna, and its meaning comes from being God has graced me abundantly or simply someone who was very blessed by God. It can serve as either a first or middle names choice for Anna, depending on what works best in her future life.
This moniker is of Latin origin, and its meaning stems from “favor, gracious.” It’s also a great option for parents that want their baby girl to have both a first and middle name all at the same time.
Greta has a German origin, and it means “pearl” or someone pure. It’s another great choice if you are looking for something specific but want to choose from options that aren’t too foreign!
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Hailey has an English origin, and it means “hay meadow.” It’s a great option for parents that want their baby girl to have both a first and middle name all at the same time.
If you are looking for yet another Hebrew option, Hannah is certainly worth considering when naming your baby girl Anna. The meaning behind its unique moniker stems from “grace, favor,” and it’s also the perfect choice if you want your little one to have a first name that flows well with her middle name as well!
This moniker has been steadily rising in popularity over the last several decades, so it may be for parents out there to hop on board with this great Greek option? Its meaning stems from “light” or even just simply someone light in appearance.
This moniker has an English origin, and it means “holy tree.” It’s also a great option for parents that want their baby girl to have both a first and middle name all at the same time.
If you are looking for something more American, Hope is certainly something worth considering when naming your baby girl Anna. The meaning behind its unique moniker stems from being someone who brings hope, which will explain why it’s so popular among parents these days.
If you are looking for another Latin moniker, then Isabella may be your best bet out there! Its meaning stems from being “pledged to God” or just someone who was pledged/ given to God. You can’t go wrong choosing this as either a first or middle names choice for Anna!
This moniker comes from Old German, and it serves as a symbol of strength if chosen carefully by parents before their little one arrives on the scene. Ivy can even serve as both a first name or middle name depending on what works best for your family situation later down the road once Anna gets older, but either way, you go about.
This moniker is of Arabic origin, and its meaning comes from “a kind of thorny vine.” It’s also one if not the unique options available on our list, so definitely consider giving.
Jemima is another Hebrew option, and it means “dove” or simply someone gentle in nature. It’s also the perfect middle name choice if you are looking for a first names moniker that will leave everyone asking where they heard about it before!
Joelle has a French origin, and it means “God will increase.” It’s also one if not the unique options available on our list, so definitely consider giving this as either a first or middle names choice for Anna!
Josephine is another Latin option, and its meaning stems from being someone who was going to add more because of her birth. This moniker may be commonly used in English, but you can’t deny that it flows perfectly with any baby girl out there named Anna!
If you are looking for yet another Latin option, then Juliana may be your best bet out there! Its meaning stems from being pure/ chaste, which will explain why it’s been steadily rising in popularity over the last several decades, so you can’t go wrong choosing this as either a first or middle names choice for Anna!
This moniker has an Italian origin, and it means “youthful.” It’s another great option if you are looking for something specific but want to choose from options that aren’t too foreign.

Katherine is of Greek origin, and it means “pure.” This moniker is also one of those classic names your parents probably heard at some point in their lives, so consider giving this name serious consideration when naming your little girl Anna later on down the road!
Kimberly is another Latin option that means “from the royal fortress” or even someone royalty. If this isn’t enough for parents out there looking for the choice of a first name, then keep reading because we’ve got plenty more choices coming your way!
Kristin comes from Old Norse, and its meaning stems from either being made of stone or someone protecting churches through donations, etc. It’s also a great name to consider if you want your little one to have both a first and middle name simultaneously!
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If you are a fan of this moniker, you should know that it’s been used in the United States for quite some time now, showing that Lauren is truly an international choice when naming your baby girl Anna. The meaning behind its unique moniker stems from “laurel tree,” or someone crowned with laurels.
This moniker is of Hebrew origin, and it means “weary” or someone who wearies others. It’s also a great choice for parents out there that want more than just the one name on their child but aren’t exactly sure what to choose as an additional middle name!
If you are looking for something more Star Wars-like in nature, then Leia is certainly a great choice to consider when naming your little girl Anna.
Leyla has a Turkish origin, and it means “night beauty” or simply someone beautiful in the night. It’s also a great option for parents looking to choose something unique but different from other names out there.
This moniker has an American background, and its meaning stems from being “attached.” You can use this as a first name or a middle one, but either way, we think you’ll love the meaning behind this choice more than anything!
Lo is another American moniker that means “I have” or even someone who was a gift from God, etc. It’s a great option for parents out there looking to choose something unique but not too different than other popular names!
If you are looking for something unique, then Lucy may be your best bet! The origins behind this English option stem from being named after St. Lucia, another woman with the same namesake during ancient times. Lucia translates into light, so keep this in mind if you decide to give it serious consideration later down the road once Anna has arrived on the scene.
Lydia has Greek origins, and it simply means “from the city of Lydia.” This name isn’t too common, but it’s also not too foreign so if this is the right choice for you, consider giving Lydia a chance to name your little girl Anna!
Mae has American origins, and its meaning stems from being “a pearl” or even someone who was priceless. It’s another good option to keep in mind when thinking about what middle name you should choose for your daughter.
Maria is yet another Latin option, and we’re willing to bet that you might already be familiar with this name because of the sheer number of celebrities who’ve chosen it before.
Marissa has Latin roots, and its meaning stems from being “from the sea” or someone born during early springtime. It’s also a great name for anyone who wants to give Anna both a first and middle moniker, all at the same time.
Maya is another fantastic option if you like names that originate from American backgrounds because it means “water” or someone who takes care of others through their own experiences.
If you want to choose a moniker that is both short and sweet, Mel may be the perfect option for you! The origins behind this name stem from being “the honeybee” or someone magical in nature.
This English choice has Irish roots, and it means “great ruler.” It’s also a great choice for parents who want to give Anna both first and middle names, all at the same time.
This moniker is of Latin origins, and it means “mine” or even someone close in nature. It’s another option that we think you’ll love if you’re willing to choose something popular, but not too common.
Mila is another good choice if you’re looking to choose a moniker with Latin roots because it means “the world” or someone born during the daytime! It’s also a great option for parents who want Anna to have both first and middle names all at once without much fuss.
Miranda is yet another name with Latin origins, and it means “admirable” or someone born during early wintertime. It’s also a great option for parents looking to choose something short but not too long either!
This English moniker has Italian roots, and its meaning stems from being “advisor” or someone who was a gift from God. It’s another great option for parents looking to choose something too foreign but still different enough than other popular baby names on the rise!
Morgan has Welsh origins, and its meaning stems from being “great brightness.” You can use this as both a first name and middle name to give Anna a moniker, all at the same time.
Muhammad is another fantastic option if you want to give Anna both first and middle names simultaneously because it means “worthy of praise” or even someone worthy.
This English choice has Latin roots, and its meaning stems from being a type of tree blooming with flowers during early spring! It’s an excellent moniker for parents looking for something unique but not too different than other popular baby names on the rise these days.
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If you’re searching for something exotic, then Nabila may be your best bet! The origins behind this name stem from being born in Arabia, so keep this in mind when thinking about what middle name would work well with Anna.
Naomi has Hebrew origins, and its meaning stems from being “pleasantness” or someone who was a gift. It’s another moniker that is perfect for parents looking to choose something unique without going too far out of the box at the same time!
Natalie has French roots, and it means “flower.” If you want Anna to have both first and middle names all at once, this one might be a great choice because of how popular yet simple it is.
This English choice has Latin roots and means “snow” or someone born during early wintertime. It’s also a great option for parents looking to choose something short but not too common at the same time.
If you like names with French origins, then Nicole may be your best bet! The meaning behind this name stems from being “victory of the people” or someone who was determined in nature when it came down to setting goals for themselves.
Nikki is another good option if you’re trying to find an English moniker with American origins, which simply means “victorious people!” This name isn’t as common as other monikers on the rise, but we think it’ll still work well for parents looking to give Anna both first and middle names all at once.
Nora has Greek origins, and it simply means “light.” You can use this as both a first name and middle name if you want Anna to have everything simultaneously.

Olivia is another wonderful choice for parents who like classic names that aren’t too popular or unique but still have a nice ring to them. It has Latin origins, and its meaning stems from being an “olive tree” or someone born during autumn time.
Oprah may be one of the most interesting choices we’ve included on this list, so don’t overlook this one! The origins behind this moniker stem from being an African surname that then got changed into a masculine name that ended up becoming popular thanks to a television talk show host named.
This moniker is of English descent, and it means “noble strength.” You can use this as both a first name and middle name if you want Anna to have everything simultaneously.
Paula is another name of Latin descent, and it means “small” or even someone born during early wintertime. It’s also a great option for parents looking to choose something short but not too common either!
Peggy is another great option for parents looking to choose a name that has American origins. It means “pearl” or someone who was born during early wintertime.
This moniker also hails from Greek backgrounds simply means “the glowing one.” You can use this as both a first name and middle name if you want Anna to have everything simultaneously without any fuss whatsoever.
This moniker has Latin origins, meaning “ancient” or even someone born during early wintertime. It’s another great option for parents looking to choose something short but not too common either!
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This moniker is of Hebrew descent, and its meaning stems from being a “ewe” or someone who will always be able to shepherd the sheep in your family. It’s also a great choice for parents looking to pick something that isn’t too foreign but still culturally different.
This Spanish option is a wonderful choice for parents who like names that aren’t too long and have Latin origins. It means “deer” or someone who was born during autumn time.
This moniker has Hebrew origins, and it means “one who is blessed.” You can use this as both a first name and middle name if you want Anna to have everything all at once without much fuss.
This moniker is of French descent, and its meaning stems from being “reborn” or someone who was determined in nature when it came down to setting goals for themselves.
If you like Riley, why not use it as both a first and middle name for Anna? It’s another great option for parents who want to give their children short but unique names.
This moniker is of Irish descent, and its meaning stems from being “red king.” You can use this as both a first name and middle name if you want Anna to have everything simultaneously.
This moniker has English origins, and its meaning stems from being “song” or even someone who was determined in nature when it came down to setting goals for themselves. It’s also a great choice if you’re looking for something catchy yet memorable!
This moniker has Italian origins, meaning “rose” or even someone born during springtime. It’s a great choice for parents looking to give their children names that are different but still somewhat trendy.
Rosemary is an old-fashioned baby girl name with Latin roots that means “dew of the sea.” You can use this as both a first name and middle name if you want Anna to have everything all at once without much fuss.
If you like simple but unique names, then why not consider using Ryan for both a first and middle name? It’s another great option for parents who want their children to have short names without too much fuss either!
Samara has Hebrew origins, and it means “to guard” or even someone who was determined in nature when it came down to setting goals for themselves.
This moniker is of Latin origins, and its meaning stems from being “protector of man.” You can use this as both a first name and middle name if you want Anna to have everything all at once without much fuss.
This moniker has Hebrew origins, and it means “princess.” It’s another great choice for parents looking to give their children different but also memorable!
This moniker has Arabic origins, and it means “good friend.” You can use this as both a first name and middle name if you want Anna to have everything all at once without much fuss, etc.
Selena is another great choice for parents looking to give their children different but memorable names! It’s of Greek descent, and its meaning stems from being the goddess of the moon.
Serena is an old-fashioned baby girl with Latin roots that means “calm and peaceful.”
If you’re obsessed with unique baby girl names, then Sheila could be your best bet! It’s of Irish origin and means “blind” or even someone born during early wintertime.
Sheryl is an old-fashioned baby girl name with English roots that means “bright shining one” or even someone who was determined in nature when it came down to setting goals for themselves.
Sofia is a popular Spanish baby girl named from the Greek word ” wisdom” and can make a wonderful middle name option if you want Anna to have both first and middle names together.
Stephanie is an old-fashioned baby girl with Latin roots that means “crowned in victory.”
Summer is usually considered as either a first or middle name for a baby girl. It’s another great choice if you’re looking to give your child names that are different but still somewhat trendy.
If you like simple yet classic names, then Susan could be your best bet! It’s of English descent and means “lily” or even someone born during early springtime.
Sydney is usually considered either a first or middle name for a baby girl and has English origins meaning “wide meadow.”
Sylvia is an old fashion baby girl name with Latin roots that means “forest.”
This moniker has African origins, and its meaning stems from being “great.”
Talia is usually considered either a first or middle name for girls, which comes from the Hebrew word meaning “dew of God.”
Taylor is usually considered either a first or middle name for a baby boy/girl.
Tessa is an old-fashioned German baby girl name with Latin roots, which means “rebirth.”
Theresa is an old-fashioned baby girl name with Latin roots that means “harvest” but also carries Greek influences coming from words like Theos, which means godly.”
If you like the idea of giving your daughter short, unique names, then why not consider using Tiara as a middle name option? It’s another great choice for parents who want their children to have names without too much fuss either!
This moniker is of Latin origins, and its meaning stems from being “appearance of God.”
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Ursula is an old-fashioned baby girl name with German origins, which means “little female bear.”
Vanessa has Greek roots, and its meaning stems from being a butterfly.”
Victoria has Italian origins, which means “conqueror.”

Whitney has English roots, and it means white island, making it a great pick for parents looking to give their children names that are different but also somewhat trendy, etc.
Willa has English origins, and it means will or desire. It’s a great pick for parents who want their children to have short yet unique first and middle name options!
Yvette is an old-fashioned French baby girl with German roots, which means young archer making it the perfect option for those wanting something catchy without too much fuss either!
Zoe is a popular Greek baby girl name that means “life” and can make a great middle name option if you want Anna to have both first and middle names together!
Final Thoughts
There are so many different baby girl names out there today. To pick the perfect middle name for your daughter, you’ll want to consider various options that work well with one another and won’t cause too much stress when deciding which middle name option will go best with Anna’s first and last names. The more thought you put into this process, means less hassle later on!