A baby shower can be held at any time of day. There are no rules or etiquette as to when it should happen – it is generally down to whenever the mother-to-be would prefer.

Throwing a baby shower is just like any celebratory event, such as a birthday party, wedding, or bachelorette party – there is no right or wrong time, and usually it is left up to the mother-to-be to decide.

Traditionally baby showers were held in the afternoon, but in more modern times they are often hosted in the evening, so as to ensure the guests have better flexibility to attend, for example, they don’t need to book any time off work.

Also, many moms-to-be like to book a restaurant and have a nice three-course dinner, meaning the shower needs to take place in the evening.

While a baby shower is often held in the evenings, they aren’t really held at night. This is because a baby shower is (generally) a tame and sober affair, therefore holding it at night isn’t necessary.

Also, pregnant women tend to get exhausted easily – particularly if they are having a difficult pregnancy – and don’t tend to have the energy to attend celebratory events at night.

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When is the Best Time to Host a Baby Shower?

As we mentioned, there is no right or wrong time to host a baby shower. Some women prefer a morning affair, others prefer afternoon or evening.

It all comes down to the individual preferences of the expectant mother.

Either way, it is always wise that the host gives the guests plenty of notice as to when the event is taking place so that guests can organize childcare or book time off work, etc.

Pros & Cons of An Afternoon Baby Shower


  • Generally no one should need to organize childcare
  • An afternoon off work!
  • Your evening won’t be affected


  • Some people may not be able to get time off
  • May clash with the school run

Pros & Cons of an Evening Baby Shower


  • No need to book time off work
  • Won’t collide with the school run
  • A fun evening of food and wine!


  • Finding a babysitter (if you’re a mom)
  • More tiring
  • May need to rush from work

A baby shower can take place at any time of the day (including the morning) and there are pros and cons to whichever time your host chooses. Traditionally baby showers take place in the afternoon and last roughly two hours. 

In more modern times, a baby shower can take place in the evening, which can be useful for guests who work a 9-5, and can often be a nice night out, for example, to a restaurant for a fancy meal.

There are no rules to organizing a baby shower; there are just traditions, and it is up to the host and the expectant mother as to whether they wish to be traditional or modern.

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