10 Socially Acceptable Things That People Feel Uncomfortable About. Do You?

By Gabrielle Reeder

From tipping culture to social media use, an internet forum recently shared socially acceptable ideas that make their skin crawl. Do you agree with any of these?

1. Life on Social Media

Woman taking TikTok videos
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Social media is a highlight reel, but some users don’t know where to draw the line. Only some things need to be online. You are allowed to live a life without the internet knowing your every move. 

2. Putting Kids on Social Media

Woman taking video of child
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“The people that create social media accounts for an infant and continue to update it through toddler stages, etc. I wish Instagram and Facebook would crack down on these accounts because it’s invasive to the child. Like, imagine turning into a teenager, and your mom is like, ‘Here is your Facebook account I made for you and constantly updated before you could even read or decide if you wanted a social media account.'”

3. Working Two Jobs

Woman working
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A while ago, a single-income household could support a family. Today, most people work two or more jobs to make rent. The public expresses their sadness over today’s work ethic.

4. Polluting Your Lungs Anywhere

Man smoking
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Poeple have allergies. People have sensitivities to odors. Despite knowing this, no one seems to enforce no-smoking rules anywhere. Vapers breathe their toxic fumes into shopping malls around kids and asthmatics with zero regards for others’ lungs.

5. Canceling Plans

Upset woman seeing mobile
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“Setting up plans and having someone either cancel at the last minute or completely blow you off. That’s bad enough as it is, but the memes and comics of people bragging about how they do it (we’ve all seen the memes that end with the character curled up on the couch under a blanket with a satisfied smile) is just weird,” one says.

6. Student Fundraisers

Student Fundraisers
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A few commentators say giving children items to fundraise for their schools is a backward thought. The kids are in school to learn, not pedal items to neighbors to raise money for their school. An individual says taxes should pay for the school, not the kids.

7. Asking About Children

Woman with pregnancy kit
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“I know far too many people who struggled with fertility and miscarriages and then constantly had to be reminded of it when they were bombarded and shamed with these types of questions. Whether it’s a choice or not, it bugs the heck out of me that people think it’s normal to ask this and then offer their opinions about it. Personal reproductive choices are none of anyone else’s business,” a respondent airs.

8. Greed

Greedy woman
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This one deals with monetary greed. One user says Elon Musk can bankrupt countries and still doesn’t pay any taxes. But he controls many businesses and brands. 

9. Phones All the Time

Bored woman looking at man with mobile
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Have you ever gone to a concert and struggled to see the artists because everyone shoves their phone in the air to record the entire set? What about going to dinner with friends glued to their phones? It’s not an inviting feeling. 

10. Tip Shaming 

Man tipping at restaurant
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

At Starbucks the other day, my friend handed her card over to the drive-thru worker, and before the drive-thru worker returned the card, she told her the screen would ask if she wanted to leave a tip. Instead of letting my friend choose the desired tip, the lady said, “One dollar?” So, out of guilt and shame, my friend obliged. Later, she told me the woman clicked a $3 tip instead of $1. Not a big deal monetarily, but society should have the option to tip. 

Source Reddit.

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