As you travel with your child the priority is always safety. You have a baby carrier, your diaper bag ready, you’re all set for a trip outside.

infant car seat

Now you remember you can’t just go out and drive without any added protection to your baby. 

Now you need to buy a car seat. There are different types of infant car seats:

  • Rear-facing car seats- 0-2 years old
  • Forward-facing seat- 2-5 years old
  • Booster seats- until 12 or 13 or depending on their height

The points above give you an overview of the seat type and how long you will use it vs. the age of your child. These are for safety purposes and is for the best outcome in an event of an accident.

Now you ask yourself? How long can I keep using the car seat? Can I recycle and use it for my next baby? The answer is both yes and no.

Yes if you will have another baby 1 or 2 years after your baby that is using the seat. Most car seats if not all expire in 6 years. No, if it goes beyond the expiry date written or printed on your car seat.

We will further discuss why it is important to not go above the expiry date. Mainly it for safety reasons but it is still best to explain in detail.


The materials used in the car seat are very durable. Most if not all are made not only for comfort but also for impact resistance. Also as time passes by the parts of the seat may have hairline fractures that can cause the structure of the seat to weaken in general.

Your baby has a developing body after all, and he/she would need all the extra protection he/she can get. It’s always best to get a new car seat if possible.

Technological advancements

Designers and manufacturers always improve on their work and your seat may be outdated. It may seem wasteful but wouldn’t you want an updated car seat with better features for your child? After all, you want only the best for him/her and getting an updated and new car seat is the best way to protect her during car rides.

Time Tested

Seats are crash-tested by manufacturers and are also researched to last until they say it’s supposed to last. Thus the expiry date printed on each seat. After that period, they cannot guarantee the durability or if the chair will still have the same amount of protection it did within the 6 years.


Some parts of your seats may be replaced which makes its lifespan longer than usual but due to constant improvements on the seat you are using, you may find it extremely hard to find replacement parts. Which makes it harder to repair your seat. It is recommended to use the seat when it has a malfunctioning part. You should get a new and improved seat instead.

We hope this helps you in your different questions on car seats. We always do our best in providing information to parents, as we also want the best for your baby.

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