The loss of the mucus plug is a sign that labor may be starting soon, but for some women, the wait for labor to begin can feel interminable. Many women experience a long wait for labor to begin after the loss of their mucus plug, and are eager to find ways to expedite the process.

If you are looking for ways to induce labor after the loss of your mucus plug, there are several things you can try. From natural methods such as walking and sexual activity, to medical interventions like induction, there are many ways to help advance the process of labor and delivery. In this article, we will discuss some of the most effective strategies for expediting labor after the loss of your mucus plug.

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The Mucus Plug: What is it and What Does it Do?

Cervical mucus or mucus plug is a clump of mucus that accumulates in the cervical canal during early pregnancy. It prevents bacteria and infections out of your uterus and away from your baby.

It acts as a barrier between your vaginal area and the uterus, where the baby is. The mucus plug is a large piece of mucus that blocks your cervix’s entrance.

The mucus plug will fall out as the cervix prepares for childbirth. In late pregnancy, this is a typical and common symptom.

The production of the mucus plug is stimulated by the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which is produced by the placenta after implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus.

When Does the Mucus Plug Form During Pregnancy?

The exact week in which the mucus plug forms can vary from woman to woman, but it typically happens within the first trimester of pregnancy.

When the fertilized egg implants, the mucus plug begins to form. Glands secrete mucus in your cervix to produce the plug. It won’t fully develop until you’re around 12 weeks pregnant.

What Causes Loss of the Mucus Plug in Pregnant Women?

The loss of the mucus plug is a natural process that happens as labor approaches. It is caused by the softening and thinning of the cervix, which allows the mucus plug to be pushed out of the cervix and into the vagina. 

This process is typically triggered by a surge in the hormone oxytocin, which causes the uterus to contract and the cervix to dilate. The loss of the mucus plug can be the first stage that labor may begin within 24 to 48 hours or happen several days or even weeks before labor begins. 

When Does a Woman Lose Her Mucus Plug During Pregnancy?

A woman typically loses her mucus plug during the late stages of pregnancy, typically any time after the 37th week of pregnancy. Some women may not even notice the loss of their mucus plug, while others may notice a small amount of vaginal discharge. 

The exact timing can vary from woman to woman, but it is typically a sign that labor will begin within a few days. Some women may lose their mucus plug several days or even weeks before labor begins, while others may not lose it until just before labor starts.

The loss of the mucus plug is typically not a cause for concern, but it is always important to let your healthcare provider know if you notice any changes in your body during pregnancy.

Signs to Look Out for When You’ve Lost Your Mucus Plug

A common sign of losing the mucus plug is a small amount of vaginal discharge or spotting. This may be noticeable on your underwear or when you wipe after going to the bathroom.

However, not everyone is aware of losing their mucus plug, as it can be released gradually rather than all at once. Other signs of labor approaching include regular contractions, increased vaginal discharge, and a change in vaginal discharge color or consistency.

It is also common to experience back pain, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea as labor approaches. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to let your healthcare provider know.

Can a Woman Go Into Labor Without Losing Her Mucus Plug?

Yes, it is possible for a woman to go into labor without losing her mucus plug. The mucus plug serves to protect the baby by blocking the entry of bacteria into the uterus. As the cervix begins to dilate in preparation for labor, the mucus plug is pushed out, but this does not always happen before labor begins. 

It is important to remember that labor and mucus plug discharge can occur at different times. Following the onset of other labor symptoms, some people lose their mucus plug and therefore the loss of the mucus plug is sometimes the first symptom.

Is It Possible To Dilate While Keeping Your Mucus Plug Intact?

It is possible for the cervix to dilate and for labor to begin without the loss of the mucus plug.

You can dilate to a certain extent without losing the mucus plug, but it will ultimately come out. A mucus plug will protect the baby and the uterus from bacteria in all pregnant women. It falls always falls out before the baby is born.

What Does Mucus Plug Discharge Look Like?

How it looks, the size, and the texture will generally differ. 

• It could be clear, off-white, pink or slightly blood tinged

• Sticky and jelly-like consistency.

• It has a neutral odor.

It’s possible to lose your mucus plug all at once or over time without even noticing it. Although little bleeding is typical, significant bleeding could be a sign of placenta previa, placental abruption, or other pregnancy issues.

If you experience a lot of bleeding while pregnant, consult your doctor.

What Is the Difference Between a Mucus Plug Discharge and a Regular Discharge?

The main difference between a mucus plug discharge and a regular discharge is their timing and appearance. A mucus plug discharge occurs when the cervix begins to dilate in preparation for labor, while regular vaginal discharge can occur during pregnancy.

It’s common to have more than the usual amount of vaginal discharge during pregnancy. Vaginal discharge is usually thin and bright yellow or white in color. Regular vaginal discharge may be clear or slightly cloudy, and may have a slightly musky or sweet odor. 

A mucus plug discharge may be clear, pink or slightly bloody in color and  may also have a consistency similar to raw egg white.

What Causes Your Mucus Plug To Fall Out?

 Some of the things that can cause you to lose your mucus plug include:

  • Cervix softening and opening: As your cervix softens and dilates in preparation for delivery, the mucus plug may fall out into your vaginal canal.
  • Sex: In most cases, having sex while pregnant is not dangerous. Sexual activity in the final weeks of pregnancy may loosen the mucus plug. This is okay if you are past 37 weeks pregnant. However, there is a risk of removing the mucus plug too soon.
  • Cervical exam: Your healthcare professional may check your cervix during a pregnancy appointment. The exam may stretch or irritate your cervix. As a result, the mucus plug could come loose.

If you’re less than 37 weeks pregnant and think you’ve lost your mucus plug, you should consult your obstetrician. They might be concerned and want to examine.

What Is the Difference Between a Mucus Plug and a Bloody Show?

They’re similar, but they’re not identical. The difference between a mucus plug and a bloody show is that a mucus plug is a collection of mucus that forms in the cervical canal during pregnancy, while a bloody show is a small amount of blood mixed with cervical mucus that is expelled from the vagina near the end of pregnancy or during labor. The bloody show is caused by blood vessels in your cervix rupturing as it swells.

Both of these occur as your cervix dilates in preparation for childbirth later in pregnancy. The mucus plug’s discharge is stretchy and looks like jelly. It’s a mucus collection.

What Does It Mean When You Lose Your Mucus Plug?

The loss of the mucus plug, also known as the “show” or “bloody show,” is a normal part of the labor process. However, labor could take several days or even weeks to start. If other early indicators of labor follow the loss of your mucus plug, your baby is likely to arrive soon.

The loss of a mucus plug usually signals that the cervix is dilating, effaced, or both. It indicates that labor is approaching, but there is no set timing for when further labor symptoms will appear.

It’s possible that you’re already in labor when you lose your mucus plug.

How Long After Losing Your Mucus Plug Will Labor Start?

It takes a different amount of time for you to shed your mucus plug and go into labor. In certain cases, you may go into labor within hours or days, while in others, you may not go into labor for several weeks.

What Are Some Ways To Speed up Labor After Losing the Mucus Plug?

There is no surefire way to speed up labor after losing the mucus plug. The onset of labor is a complex process that is controlled by hormones and other factors, and it cannot be rushed.

If you are concerned about the length of your labor, it is always best to discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider. They can provide you with information and advice on how to manage labor, and can help you understand what to expect. 

In the meantime, there are some things you can do to help yourself feel more comfortable and relaxed during labor, such as taking a warm bath, using a birth ball, or practicing relaxation techniques. These can help to ease discomfort and make the labor process more manageable.

What Is the Typical Level Dilation When the Mucus Plug Is Expelled?

The signs of approaching labor include effacement and dilatation. Your cervix’s dilation is a measurement of how open it is. A cervix that is dilated by ten centimetres tends to mean that you are ready to give birth.

However, it is possible to be a few centimetres dilated for a few weeks before labor begins.


The cervix is the bottom part of your uterus that sits on top of your vaginal opening. It can be closed or open, high or low, soft or firm, and so on, depending on things like:

  • where you are in your menstrual cycle
  • if you’re pregnant
  • natural positioning or feel

The cervix expands during childbirth to allow the baby to pass through. During pregnancy, your cervix naturally softens, allowing this to happen.

A soft cervix is exactly what it says; it’s soft to the touch. Your cervix will feel like an immature piece of fruit when firm. It feels more like ripe fruit when it softens.

A solid cervix is said to feel like the tip of your nose, whereas a soft cervix feels like your lips.


You need to do nothing special after removing the mucus plug as long as it discharges after 37 weeks of pregnancy or later, and you and your doctor have no concerns.

Don’t panic if you lose your mucus plug a few weeks before you’re due. Your child is still safe. Even after the plug is discharged, the cervix continues to produce mucus, keeping the infant safe from bacteria.

Sex is also entirely fine and can’t harm the baby as long as you haven’t been ordered to avoid it.

Speak with your doctor if you lose your mucus plug before 37 weeks. This could indicate a problem. As a result, it’s critical to speak with your doctor about all of your symptoms.

Look for a lot of blood, particularly if there’s more blood than mucus. Other issues, such as placenta previa or placental abruption, could be the cause.


If you want to “move things along” during labor, there are a few positions you can use that are believed to help. Of course, there’s no assurance; labor, for the most part, takes as long as it needs to.

Gravity and movement, on the other hand, play vital roles in the birth process, and it’s crucial to consider the use of both when possible.

  • Standing Upright – This position is ideal for allowing gravity to do its job while also allowing for side-to-side or rocking movement, which aids in the rotation and descent of the baby. However, if you do not feel like walking but still want to be on your feet, standing or swaying while leaning on a chair or a supportive person is a great alternative.
  • Circling on an Exercise Ball – Sitting on an exercise/yoga ball during labor can help you get into the swing of things as labor progresses — and it feels great, too!
  • Sitting – Sitting might be a comfortable position to work in during labor. It allows you to stand fully erect while laboring, allowing gravity to aid you. It can also help you relax by helping you to sleep. Sitting also allows for the use of an epidural and computerized fetal monitoring.

Any chair will suffice. In a lot of hospitals and birthing centers, there are chairs available in each delivery room for you to utilize.

You can even sit in a bed or a bathtub if you choose. Try sitting on a shower chair if you only have access to a shower.

  • Walking – Walking early in labor or during active labor has been shown to help your labor progress. You may not feel like walking during contractions in the later stages of labor. That’s absolutely OK. Simply come to a halt and change positions, or perform the contractions while standing. As soon as you feel ready, you can resume walking.
  • Squatting – Squats assist dilation by opening the pelvis and encouraging the baby to put more pressure on the cervix. When in a squatting posture during labor, it’s crucial to have good support and maintain your feet as parallel as possible rather than in a “V” shape. During the first and second stages of labor, squatting may feel nice. Squatting during the second stage of delivery (pushing) has been linked to higher blood loss in many studies when compared to other positions.
  • Labor Lunges – Lunging during labor differs from lunging during exercise. Instead of placing your leg in front of you like in a walking lunge, you open one leg and lunge out to the side of your body in a labor lunge. Prop your foot up on a stool or a low chair to help. This can assist a baby who needs to move down (thus speeding up labor) or get into a better position for birth. Try lunging to one side for a few contractions before switching sides.

The loss of the mucus plug is a common late-pregnancy symptom. It usually indicates that labor is about to begin.

Though the mucus may appear weird and the blood may be alarming, removing the mucus plug is not a medical emergency unless there are additional symptoms present, such as substantial bleeding or signs of preterm labor.

The conclusion of pregnancy and the start of labor can be confusing and unsettling. A person may not be aware that labor has begun, and they may be concerned that what looks to be a mucus plug is actually irregular bleeding.

During pregnancy, discuss with a doctor or midwife which signs necessitate a visit or phone call. People may feel safer erring on the side of caution and consulting a healthcare expert if they experience any new or unusual symptoms.

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