If you are a mom or a mom-to-be and are wondering whether to purchase the Spectra Synergy Gold (Spectra SG) pump the good news is that it is a great piece of equipment. The newest model of Spectra has many of the features that Spectra is well known for and much more. 

We take a look at the pros and cons of investing in the Spectra Gold breast pump and discuss the key design features and technical specifications to help inform your decision. 

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Why choose Spectra?

Deciding on what brand of breast pump to choose can be overwhelming with so many choices available. Alongside Medela, Spectra is one of the leading brands when it comes to great pump technology and moms around the world have benefited from its innovative features. 

The current Spectra models on the market include:

Spectra 2 (S2)

The leading brand and one of the most common breast pumps to be provided by insurance companies who provide free pumps for moms

Spectra 1 (S1)

Very similar to the S2 but can be battery operated so it is portable. This is also a common model for people who have insurance cover.

Spectra 3 Pro (S3P)

This breath pump as the features of the S1 and S2 put is heavy-duty as it is designed for multiple users in hospital settings 

Spectra 9 Plus (S9P)

A smaller great pump that can be used hands-free as it is lighter and portable

Spectra Synergy Gold (SG)

An upgrade from the S2 model with the ability to adjust pumping action for each individual breast and a bigger range of vacuum settings. 

Whether you choose the S1, S2, or the SG, you are sure to feel happy in your choice. 

How does the Spectra Gold compare to the Spectra S1 and S2?

The main question moms will be asking is whether the Spectra Gold is worth the additional cost of Spectra 2. The main factors to consider are the additional features that you do not find on the earlier Spectra models. 

The key differences with the popular S1 and S2 models are:

  • The SG has 2 motors—for fully adjustable pumping for each breast 
  • An additional 5 massage modes can be accessed on the SG
  • Greater suction strength on the SG 
  • The SG pump is a lot quieter when in action
  • There is no rechargeable battery (like the S1)

Key Features of the Synergy Gold

When what breast pump to buy, the key information you need to think about is what design features will benefit you and your lifestyle. The key features of the Synergy Gold great pump are:

The dual pumps

Without a doubt, one of the key benefits of the SG is that it has dual pumps that cater to each breast. For moms who have one breast that is more productive than the other, the vacuum settings can be adjusted.

Therefore, when you need extra support for the more stubborn breast you can crank up the vacuum without the more productive breast leaking. 

Massage modes

The S1 and S2 model of Spectra breast pump have just one setting, 70, whereas the SG has 5 settings (64, 67, 70, 74, and 76). This allows you to speed up and slow down the massage feature according to your needs. 

Mute function

As well as being much quieter than previous models the SG has a nifty mute function which makes it great to use while your baby is sleeping. If you find that you do a lot of night pumping then the SG is definitely worth the upgrade. 


When it comes to the look of great pumps it doesn’t really matter if they look pretty or not but if you are a fan of attractive design features then you will like the modern look of the SG. The bottles that come with this model are also aesthetically pleasing with an elegant logo printed on them. 

Technical features of the Synergy Gold

In addition to the key features of the SG, it is worth paying attention to the technical aspects so that you can make an informed decision on which breast pump to buy. 

Suction strength

Both the S1 and the S2 have 12 vacuum levels so that you can control the suction strength. With the SG pump, the number of vacuum levels increased to 15.

The extra 3 levels mean that you can have increased suction for when milk production is low on one or both breasts. 

Pump setting for the Spectra Synergy

Typically you can follow the below journey through pump settings although you will find that your own routine and may gradually change the process once you become familiar with the breast pump.

  • Begin with a short period of massage (3-5 minutes)
  • Start the pump setting cycle at 74 with the vacuum level at 3-4 (for 3-5 minutes)
  • Follow on to cycle 54 and vacuum level 4 (5 minutes)
  • Follow on to cycle 70 and vacuum level 5 (5 minutes)
  • Follow on to cycle 46 and vacuum level 6 (5 minutes)
  • Follow on to cycle 38 and vacuum level 7 or 8 (5 minutes)

When you begin using this great pump you are likely to have the setting the same for each breast and when you know how much each one produces you can adjust accordingly. At any stage in this process, you feel the pain you should pause and lower the suction levels.

If you feel pain continuously contact your breastfeeding support nurse or a medical professional. 

Additional features of the SG

  • Unlike other models of Spectra, the SG has a connector for the tubing that flows to the pump. The connector can stay connected to the tube but it can come off and on for cleaning 
  • You can personalize the flanges
  • Charger is 12 volts 
  • Comes with a standard 2-tear warranty 
  • The SG model has a handle that has a sleeker design than previous models


Which Pumping Bra Can I Use With the Spectra SG Synergy?

As the flange comes in one solid piece, the SG is not compatible with some pumping bras, including the popular Medela bra. You can search for pumping bras that are compatible with the Spectra gold and ensure you buy more than one so that you always have one washed and dried.

This is particularly important during the early days of expressing milk as it can be messy as you find the right suction level.

Can I get an SG on my Insurance Cover? 

This will be a question for your insurer as all plans differ. As the SG is more expensive than the S1 and S2 model you may need to pay a small fee towards your breast pump.

Before reading reviews and researching each breast pump it is important to check what models you may be entitled to.

Can I recharge the SG portably?

Unfortunately not. You will need to plug it into a wall socket, just like the S2 model as it does not have a battery.

Key benefits of the Synergy Gold

In summary, when you purchase the SG model you can benefit from the following:

  • Targeted suction for each breast with a dual pump
  • Great for blocked milk ducts due to additional vacuum levels
  • A sleek, modern design for moms who like mod cons
  • It has more massage modes making it a good option for moms who need to massage for longer and at a more intense level 
  • The noise level is much lower than on the S1 and S2
  • It has a mute button function for night pumping 
  • Comes with 2 different sized flanges
  • Comes with bottles
  • You can pump easily while getting on with doing small chores around the house 
  • Users report that the breast pump is easy to use and is comfortable
  • Easy to clean
  • Has a night light
  • BPA free
  • 2year warranty

Things to consider when buying a Synergy Gold

  • It does not have portable charges so you cannot charge on-the-go
  • It is more expensive than the S1 and S2 models
  • It only comes in 1 color
  • You may have to pay a supplement if you are looking to get the SG with your insurance cover
  • It weighs heavier than other models (to cater for the 2 pumps)
  • Not compatible with Medela pumping bras

The additional features and the modern design of the Spectra Gold great pump make it a good choice for moms who want to express milk at ease.

Perfect for moms who may produce less milk in one breast compared to the other and enables you to alter massage levels and vacuum levels in greater detail than previous Spectra models.

Whatever model of Spectra you decide to buy you can rest assured that it will help you develop a good milk supply and express milk with ease so that you can spend some time away from your baby without worrying about having enough milk. 

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