Finally, it’s time to tell your friends and family that you’re expecting a baby. When it comes to announcing your pregnancy, you’re on a different road than your family and friends, so some of your announcements will come as a complete surprise, while others have been expected for years.

The best way to tell your friends and family about your exciting news is to use a memorable phrase.

Social media has inspired us all to step up our game when it comes to sharing information about key events, such as birthdays and engagements.

When it comes to announcing your pregnancy, you’ll want to use social media to post a picture and a unique caption.

Pregnancy announcements have nearly become a type of art in the last several years.

Pregnancy announcements can only be made once. Consequently, it is imperative to plan how you will announce the news.

As a rule, you should try not to take anything too seriously. Even the birth of a child!

As a result, I am a major fan of funny pregnancy announcements.

But how do you go about making a funny pregnancy announcement? What do you think?

Pregnancy announcements and pregnant images are a wonderful way to celebrate the arrival of a new addition to the family.

People also love to preserve pregnant images in their family albums alongside the best pregnancy quotes on social media.

So we’ve written a list of the funniest Instagram pregnancy announcement captions to help you celebrate your new arrival. 

To help you out, we’ve collected a list of the best pregnancy announcement captions on Instagram that you can use with your photos across multiple social media platforms.

These should surely give you some funny announcement ideas.

  • I have two brains in my body, but I’ve never been so dumb.
  • Pregnancy is 9 months of cheat days.
  • Months have an average of 30 days, except the 9th month of pregnancy which has about 1,000 days.
  • We are going to need an extra bed for a special someone. Guess who?
  • The time has finally come to share our wonderful news that we are expecting our first child. It’s just the beginning.
  • This is the day we both had been waiting for so long. We are so glad right now to let you know that we are expecting a baby. Pray for us!
  • The butterflies he used to give me turned into tiny feet.
  • We stopped trying to get pregnant because our efforts have already been successful!
  • Being pregnant finally helped me understand what my true relationship was with my body” “meaning that it wasn’t put on this earth to look good in a swimsuit,” 
  • Wishing I could sleep, but someone is using my stomach for their own personal bounce house!
  • (Holding tub of ice cream) “My mind’s telling me no, but my body is telling me ‘yes’”
  • I don’t have any big news for you, but my child would like to announce that I’m pregnant!
  • The funniest part of pregnancy is you get a personal servant 24/7 for the next nine months. And that’s your husband.
  • When I bump, you bump, we bump.
  • I’m at the stage in my pregnancy where people don’t know whether to congratulate me or buy me a gym membership.
  • The responsible woman in me is budgeting for groceries. The pregnant woman is going “Oooo! Chocolate Cake!”
  • Peeing on a stick and preserving that stick is the start of the many disgusting things you will do as a mother.
  • I know my baby is going to be an overachiever. I reached my healthy pregnancy weight gain limit in the first trimester.
  • I am a really tired, weak superhero who wants to eat all the time and isn’t allowed to lift heavy objects, nothing serious just carrying a superhero.
  • I like big bumps and I cannot lie! (this is a great pregnancy announcement quote for dad!)
  • I’m all prepared to say goodbye to my freedom and sleep. And guess what, everyone is just so happy about it. Sweet pregnancy they call it!
  • I grow humans. What’s your superpower?
  • The baker and I have something in common, Dare you make a guess?
  • There’s nothing like a brand new pair of genes. That’s right, we are expecting. 
  • What has two feet, And a belly to tickle, And cause a craving for ice-cream and pickle? With just one more hint, We’re sure you’ll see, The answer to this riddle.
  • Cupid’s been busy, So we are due.
  • Begins with ‘B’, And it’s coming in 9 months.
  • Am very proud to announce that I just joined the world mommies club.
  • Pink or blue, who can say?
  • I finally stopped dieting, cos am pregnant!
  • We’ve decided that we no longer want to sleep, have time to ourselves, or have a clean house.
  • What has ten fingers, And ten little toes, Two sleepy eyes, And a cute button nose?
  • The battle for mama’s attention begins (month, year) 
  • It grows, it grows and grows, for nine short months, and it brings joy and happiness to all in the house. Its cry is the sweetest sound, its smile the most precious thing, and its cute face makes the heart melt.
  • Not the flu, Baby #2 Due (your due date here)
  • Twinkle, twinkle little star.
  • It’s time we all celebrate the miracle of motherhood. I’m pregnant!
  • We have a little Valentine, Although it’s still brand new. You’ll meet our little Valentine, It’s September when we’re due.
  • Break out the pickles and ice cream! 
  • That’s right, people, We both are cooking A Bun in our ovens.
  • I’m growing a person inside me. What are you doing?
  • We will be happy either way.
  • Roses are red, Violets are Blue, Chocolate is sweet, But not as sweet as you.
  • It’s time to start making preparations, granddad, and grandma. We’re having a baby on the way.  Yay!”
  • The year I grow a human, but still can’t keep my plants alive!
  • How I wonder what you are?
  • We are pregnant! Don’t be sad for us. It was on purpose. You can stop asking when we’re going to have a baby now…
  • Player 3 Has Entered the Game 
  • We’re adding another to our clan!
  • We are pregnant and we couldn’t be more excited! We decided it was time to add a new entertainer to our family!
  • What is tiny, causing me lots of grief, and will make its appearance in (birth month)?
  • She is having cravings and I am checking our savings. Looks like a baby is on the way.
  • Best oops ever (with a picture of baby things).
  • We’ve decided that we no longer want to sleep, have time to ourselves, or have a clean house.
  • Looking forward to a new tax deduction in 2021!
  • We’ve been naughty!
  • Shit just got real.
  • We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.
  • The butterflies he used to give me turned into tiny feet.
  • I cough, therefore I pee.
  • Pretty soon, we’ll need a minivan…
  • We will soon find out how to survive without getting enough sleep for days, weeks, and perhaps months. Our little alarm clock is due on (date/month and year).
  • Love makes the belly go round.
  • (Insert husband’s name) is going to be a daddy and I’m pretty sure it’s mine.
  • We are pleased to announce that due to hard work and a good attitude we will be promoting our youngest son to big brother.
  • Ingredients: 1 egg, mature. 100 million sperm, very, very excited.
  • It was all fun and games until I got pregnant.
  • I’m patiently waiting on the day my back hurts, my feet are swollen, and I walk like a duck.
  • Instructions: Preheat oven. Mix ingredients romantically. Cook bun for forty weeks. Sprinkle with Love and service to the world. I’M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Looking forward to a new tax deduction in (year)!
  • We’re resting up while we can. We’ll be missing a lot of sleep starting in (due date month).
  • First comes love. Then comes marriage. In (month) we will be pushing a baby carriage.
  • Our family will be growing by two feet!
  • Dinner for two…$80, Weekend getaway…$550, Telling everyone you’re pregnant and then heading out of town so your phone doesn’t ring…PRICELESS!
  • I’m small but very important.  I’m free to make but expensive to maintain. I’m noticeable but you cannot see me. What am I?
  • Oops, I did it again.
  • Looks like Netflix and Chill went a little bit too far.
  • (Insert Dad’s name) is going to be a daddy and I’m pretty sure it’s mine.
  • Guess what’s cooking in our oven? (Hint: it’s not cookies).
  • I’m giving up things like lunch meat, caffeine, sushi, and alcohol for 9 months.
  • How did this happen?
  • Next year we are excited to enjoy our best tax deduction yet!
  • We love big bumps and we cannot lie.
  • Pregnancy is the happiest reason for feeling like crap.
  • We’re adding a new little pumpkin to our patch in (birth month and year).
  • Adding a baby multiplies love. If we did the math right then ours is due on (date).
  • One of us is eating for two, while the other is drinking for two.
  • Pretty soon we will need a minivan. We are adding a little one to our clan.
  • The joy is overwhelming; sooner or later I will not be able to hide it. I am announcing pregnancy so that we can count together.
  • Bun in the oven. Baking until…(month, year).
  • Santa’s getting a new helper.
  • One sip of water has turned into three bathroom trips.
  • Is it weird that I have been sick, tired, and tender lately? What could that be?
  • Not a waddle, just pregnancy swag.
  • More laundry expected from (due date).
  • I am having food cravings these days and my spouse is very happy about it. You know why, right? Yes, we are going to be parents.
  • I think I have superpowers; I am growing a human being.
  • Look what the stork dropped.
  • Look who decided to show up!
  • There is nothing like a new pair of genes. That’s right, we are expecting.
  • I finally quit the beer bottle but gave it up for a baby bottle.
  • We are going to have a visitor in about 9 months and he/she isn’t leaving anytime soon.
  • Love makes the belly go round.
  • We don’t make mistakes, only happy little accidents.
  • Bun in the oven, burgers on the grill.
  • Celebrate with us, the family planning we went for clearly worked we’re expecting AGAIN.
  • We can’t wait to welcome the new member of our family in [month of due date]!
  • This one is pretty much the summer motto for us all… “Bra off. Hair up. Belly out.”
  • Always use protection, unless you want a baby!
  • I always wondered what it felt like to be pregnant, Imagine now I know!
  • My clothes are already getting smaller, I can’t figure out why, but I can see my tummy is growing, and I am gaining weight. I am going to be a mother.
  • Everybody leave me alone. I’ve had a busy day being pregnant and I have to do it again tomorrow.
  • I am now always hungry, tired, or both.
  • We are no longer trying to get pregnant, the efforts are already successful.
  • I’ve got a bump. I wonder why!
  • Not fat just….PREGNANT.
  • It’s time for dirty diapers, sleepless nights, and endless love. Welcome (baby name).
  • I make humans. Our little superman/superwoman is due in (month). What is your superpower?
  • We will be welcoming our bundle of joy on [date]. I can’t wait for the baby to arrive, to see if he looks like me.
  • Let us make pregnancy an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies.
  • Is there a “correct” method to announce such exciting news? Whether it’s witty, delicate, or sweet, go with what you’re most comfortable with.
  • Make your announcement memorable by following this list of tips! If you’ve found anything you like, we’d love to hear from you.
  • If you’re pregnant, make the announcement as amusing as possible and enjoy every minute of it.

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