Unveiled: The Most ANNOYING Male Accents Across the Globe

By Krystal Brown

The Knowledge Academy conducted a study involving 300 men and women who were asked to listen to a five-minute script recorded by English-speakers. By analyzing the duration for which each participant listened to the audio before turning it off, the researchers were able to discern the accents that were favored or disliked.


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Participants couldn’t endure more than 1 minute and 26 seconds of the American accent.

South Africa

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Participants hit their limit at just 1 minute and 44 seconds of exposure to the South African accent.

New Zealand

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Participants reached their threshold after a mere 2 minutes and 7 seconds of exposure to the New Zealand accent.


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People reached their tolerance limit after a mere 2 minutes and 29 seconds of exposure to the Australian accent.


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Individuals reached their tolerance limit after a mere 2 minutes and 44 seconds of exposure to the Welsh accent.


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People’s tolerance reached its limit after just 2 minutes and 56 seconds of encountering the English accent.


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People’s tolerance reached its limit after just 3 minutes and 12 seconds of experiencing the Canadian accent.


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The Scottish accent pushed individuals to their limit after a mere 3 minutes and 38 seconds.

Northern Ireland

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Individuals’ endurance was tested to its limits, lasting only four minutes and two seconds when exposed to the Northern Irish accent.


Image Credit: DmitriyAnaniev via DepositPhotos.com

The Irish accent proved challenging for individuals, as their tolerance waned after a mere four minutes and 32 seconds.

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