Pumping breastmilk should never be a painful experience so do not push on through if your breasts start to hurt.

If you have painful breasts when pumping and it lasts for more than 15-20 seconds then you need to review your pumping procedures. More often than not painful breasts when pumping is due to an ill-fitting breast shield, also known as a flange. 

LacTeck flanges are flexible and soft making them an easier fit for the breast thus causing less pain and producing more milk 

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LacTeck Baby Motion Flanges

LacTeck flanges are made of silicone and are designed to mimic breastfeeding for moms that pump. Reviews by moms say that these flanges are more comfortable and offer pain-free pumping.

While the flanges are more expensive than some breast shields/flanges they are durable and very flexible so which means they can benefit many breast sizes. 

Who are LacTeck Flanges Good For?

LacTeck flanges are good for anyone who has nipples that are elastic and stretch into the flange until it almost reaches the connector.

They are also good if you are finding that a standard-sized flange does not fit or you are struggling to get much milk from the breast. As we have mentioned, pumping should not cause pain and moms may find using this flange reduces pain. 

LacTeck BabyMotion Flanges Pros

  • LacTeck flanges are made of silicone, which offers a more flexible and softer connection with the breast. Women have found them to be more comfortable than other brands of the great flange which can be hard and inflexible
  • The flexible nature of the flange means that they can fit the breast better and achieve a better seal, which in turn makes the compressions cause less pain and produce more milk
  • The material can help stimulate the letdown of the milk due to the compression over the areola which can stop build-ups of milk and breast tenderness
  • LacTeck flanges are a popular insert for hands-free cups but are not flush and can stick out a little but not something that is too problematic 
  • These flanges have a flexible window that will collapse with the pump when in suction motion to simulate the way a baby would stimulate the base of the areola with their tongue, this makes it one of the most realistic pumping shields to mimic breastfeeding 
  • Due to the mimicking of breastfeeding, you get with the flexible window you get more milk quicker so your pumping sessions will be shorter than when you use a traditional flange
  • The sizing of the flanges is diverse and the majority of women will be able to use them no matter what their nipple size is
  • They can be used with most modern breast pumps on the market
  • There is no hard plastic ring makes which many women find uncomfortable during pumping.
  • The flanges last a long time
  • They are easy to clean

LacTeck BabyMotion Flanges Cons

  • While the material is flexible and soft it is heavy which can be a problem when the bottle is full as you come to the end of a pumping session. The bottles may spill over due to the weight but this can be avoided if you remove the flanges before putting the bottle down on a table. 
  • Setting up the flanges may be a little tricker than standard flanges on some breast pumps. If you have a pump that uses a separate breast flange then you should be ok.
  • It will only fit up to a 25mm nipple size although there may be changes to this in the future as LacTeck look to expand their range
  • They may not be suitable if you have inverted nipples as it may pinch the nipple in the flexible window
  • The flanges are more opaque rather than clear which can be a problem when aligning with the pump
  • You will need an extra adaptor for some breast pump models
  • Some moms have fed back that the sizing of the flanges is out with some being over 2mm bigger than stated on the packaging. If this happens to you then contact your store or LacTeck for a swap or double-check your nipple measurements again

LacTeck Flanges Sizing

Lacteck flanges are not as easy to size as traditional flanges/shields. The hard plastic meander is 21 mm but this is just where the funnel shape meets the tunnel, so it is 21mm in diameter.

However, there is a curve that graduates on the circumference of the flange which is why they are so much more comfortable to use. There is no clear point to measure the curvature but the flanges from LacTeck come in 5 different sizes; 15 mm, 18 mm, 21 mm, 24 mm, and 27 mm.

If you have a nipple that measures between 11mm and 25 mm then you should be able to use a LacTeck flange. In general, oval and conical nipples will need a smaller-sized flange to prevent any unnecessary swelling. 

For the majority of women, they can use the same size that you use would usually but with standard breast flanges unless you have elastic nipples or inverted, as explained earlier.

What Breast Pumps do LacTeck Flanges Work With?

LacTecks flanges can be used with the majority of great pumps you will find in stores. The flange will sit tightly on pumps such as the Spectra Maymom, Lansing, and Medala.

You can also use it with most other pumps using a connect and a backflow protector. To be sure that your LacTeck flanges will fit your pump, as a guide it will fit in a 24 or 27 mm flange/container, with 27, being the optimum measurement to look out for. 

Below is a quick guide to using LacTeck flanges with the most popular brands of breast pumps:

Lansinoh, Medela, and Hygeia

LacTeck BabyMotion flanges fit into Lansinoh, Medela, and Hygeia breast pump parts without the need for an adaptor. Simply replace the flange that came with your pump with the check and you are ready to go. 

Motif and Spectra

Both the Motif and the Spectra breast pumps have a breast shield and connector that are combined which means it is more difficult to use a different brand of the flange.

Depending on the model of great you may be able to use an adaptor and/or backflow to aid the use of using the LacTeck flange. You will need to check the manufacturer’s instructions for full support with this. 

Freemie and Willow

For Freemie and Willow bread pumps you should be able to insert the LacTecj flanges into the standard flanges that came with the pump. The LacTeck shield is likely to need trimming if you are using the Willow Breastpump. You may need to check the manufacturer’s instructions for full support with this. 

Top Tips For Using LacTeck flanges

Now you know what size LacTeck flanges to buy and what pumps they are compatible with, we give you a few top tips on how best to use these flanges.

If you follow the simple steps along with the advice above you should not feel any pain and will produce an ample amount of milk when pumping. 

  • Ensure the flange is securely fitted to the put to the connector on your pump, using twisting motion as it can often slip off, especially as the bottle fills up. 
  • The small notch on the flange will mimic breastfeeding, as discussed, make sure it is activated 
  • Keep a container or two nearby as you may find it takes a little practice for you to get used to holding a full bottle of milk. While you get used to it when the bottle is half full you can enter some into the container and then go back to pumping.
  • If your breasts increase in size or decrease, for that matter, then you should check that you are still using the correct sized flange or you may begin to get some pain
  • Your LacTeck flange should feel snug and comfortable when pumping and if this is not the case you may have bought an incorrect flange. It is advisable to speak to a lactation consultant who will be able to check your equipment with you and look at your pumping technique. 


Overall, LacTeck BabyMotion Flanges are a great investment if you want a more flexible and comfortable that helps you produce enough milk to feed your baby without being in pain.

Be sure to check that your great pump has the right measurements for the LacTeck flange to fit and you should have no problems at all.

If you are ever experiencing any pain while pumping then try to adjust your flange so that it is secure and perhaps get refitted for a different sized flange if your breast and/or nipples have grown. If pain continues or you are not producing adequate milk then you should speak to your doctor or a lactation consultant. 

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