When your baby starts to get their teeth, they’ll put their fingers or anything they can reach into their mouth to find some relief.
A baby’s gums are sensitive, so finding a teething toy or remedy that is specifically designed to be chewed is the safe way to go.
I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite teething toys and some that are recommended by other mom friends that can help ease your baby’s discomfort and soothe their sore gums.

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1. Manhattan Rattle and Teether
The Manhattan Rattle and Teether a one of a kind wooden rattle, toy and teether. It squishes down and returns to its original shape, with beads that slide and rattle.
The easy grab teether has an un-dyed finish is perfect for families who are cautious in regards to chemicals. A great teether—and toy—that your baby can enjoy through many developmental stages!
2. Mombella Ellie Elephant Teether
This Mombella Ellie Elephant Teether smart design makes it easy for babies as young as 3 months to grasp on and hold
The “elephant neck” is long enough to reach cutting molars, but with a disc to prevent choking and gagging.
3. Teething Blanket
One thing all my children loved was chewing on their baby blanket. As I wanted their blanket to stay in their crib, I would use use teething blankets. They simply loved it! They would carry it in their mouths all day while smiling too!
4. SweeTooth Baby Teether
This sweet looking cone shaped teether is easy for your baby’s hands to hold and offers different levels of firmness and texture for baby to explore. It’s made from medical and food‐grade silicone, which means no nasty chemicals or toxins.
5. Breast Milk Popsicle
After playing around with a lot of different options to make breast milk popsicles I found the perfect solution and five kids later, I haven’t looked back. I discovered these fantastic baby popsicle molds.
They come in lots of different shapes and are really simple to fill with your own breast milk. The hard cold breast milk is a great way of soothing those gums. If your baby has been introduced to solids, then you can add some fruit and veggies.
Remember to only add those fruit and vegetables that you have already introduced to your baby and blend until completely smooth as lumps can be a choking hazard.
6. Amber Teething Necklace
So how do they work? The idea behind them is that when a baby wears an amber necklace, their skin heats up the amber which causes it to release pain relief properties.
The special pain relief is an anti-inflammatory that helps boost your baby’s immune system and soothes them.
7. Fresh Food and Mesh Feeders
This is a great way to puree fresh fruits, berries or mangos and freeze them for fresh food feeders.
A word of warning mesh feeders can be messy so make sure you have your baby in a high chair when using them.
When baby’s teeth are coming in, they are usually drooling up‐a‐storm, so the Neckerchew serves double‐duty: as a drool bib, and a built‐in teether.
The attached BPA‐free teething triangle is always easily accessible for baby to chew, and can’t be dropped or lost.
The bib is made of 100% absorbent jersey cotton to keep baby dry, and can easily be thrown in the washing machine for cleaning
9. Teething Remedies for Nighttime Relief
For babies going through nighttime teething, you might notice more wake ups at night and more crying or fussiness.
No bottle or soother will calm your little one.
You can try using natural teething tablets that almost instantly dissolves in your baby’s mouth. It’s been proven that it soothes baby’s gums and helps them fall asleep better.