Narcissistic relationships are a type of abusive relationship in which the abuser has a narcissistic personality disorder. This means they have an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others.
Here are 15 warning signs that you may be in a narcissistic relationship.
Your Partner Is Constantly Seeking Admiration
They may need excessive praise and reassurance and constantly fish for compliments. It is important to remember that a narcissistic partner’s behavior is not about you. It is about them and their insecurities.
Your Partner Has a Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance
They may believe they are superior to others and deserve special treatment. It is important to set boundaries with a narcissistic partner. Let them know what behaviors you are and are not comfortable with.
Your Partner Is Preoccupied With Fantasies of Unlimited Success, Power, Brilliance, Beauty, or Ideal Love
They may have unrealistic expectations of themselves and others. They may also feel entitled to special treatment and attention. This can lead them to fantasize about achieving unrealistic goals or possessing unrealistic qualities.
Your Partner Believes That They Are Special
When your partner believes theft is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with other special or high-status people or institutions, they may look down on others and believe they are not worthy of their time or attention.
Your Partner Has a Sense of Entitlement
They may expect special favors and treatment and become angry or resentful if they don’t get what they want. People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) often believe they are special and deserve special treatment. They may also believe they are better than others and have the right to whatever they want.
Your Partner Is Interpersonally Exploitative
They may use others to achieve their own goals, and they may have little concern for the feelings or well-being of others. If you are in a relationship with someone who is interpersonally exploitative, it is important to recognize the signs and to seek help. Interpersonal exploitation can have a devastating impact on your mental and emotional health.
Your Partner Lacks Empathy
Lacking empathy can be a sign of narcissism. People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) often have a grandiose sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. If you are in a relationship with someone who lacks empathy, setting boundaries and protecting yourself is important. You should also consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor.
Your Partner Is Often Envious of Others or Believes That Others Are Envious of Them
People with NPD may also believe that others are envious of them. This is because they have a distorted sense of their importance and believe they are superior to others. They may also believe that others are jealous of their accomplishments or possessions.
Your Partner Shows Arrogant, Haughty Behaviors or Attitudes
Showing arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes can be a sign of narcissism. They may act superior to others and believe that they are better than everyone else. It is important to remember that their arrogant or haughty behavior is not about you. It is about them and their insecurities.
Your Partner Has a Fragile Sense of Self-Esteem
People with NPD may go to great lengths to protect their fragile self-esteem. They may constantly seek admiration and praise from others. They may also be hypersensitive to criticism and quick to anger.
Your Partner Needs to Control Everything
They may try to control your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. They may also try to control your friends, family, and other relationships. Don’t argue or debate with them. It is pointless to argue or debate with a narcissistic partner. They are not interested in having a rational conversation.
Your Partner Is Gaslighting You
Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse in which the abuser makes you doubt your sanity or perceptions. Talk to your friends and family about what you are going through. They can offer support and advice.
Your Partner Is Verbally or Emotionally Abusive
Verbal and emotional abuse can be a sign of narcissism. People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) often have a grandiose sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. They may also be hypersensitive to criticism and quick to anger.
Your Partner Is Physically Abusive
They may hit, shove, or grab you. If you are in a dangerous or abusive relationship, it is important to plan to leave safely. Talk to a therapist or domestic violence advocate about your options.
Your Partner Is Sexually Abusive
Sexual abuse is any sexual activity that is forced or coerced. It can include rape, sexual assault, and child sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is a serious crime that can devastate the victim’s mental and emotional health.
If you are in a relationship with someone who exhibits any of these signs, it is important to seek help. You may be in a narcissistic relationship, and narcissistic abuse can be very damaging. A therapist can help you understand the situation and plan to leave the relationship safely.