Motherhood Meltdown: Famous Blogger Faces Worldwide Backlash as Teen Daughter Declares ‘NO PICTURES’ War!

By Emma Williams

A teenager prints out a hoodie that reads “NO PICTURES” for her and her little sister as a message to her influencer mom.

Famous Mom

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Her mother is famous on Instagram as a known blogger. Growing up she had a mommy blog. Always involving her and her sister whenever she could.

Public Information

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Their personal lives have become public information. With the stuff her mom posted of her always coming up when she’s looking for a job, dating, or when anyone just looks up her name.

Custom Made

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She soon found a website that will print custom jackets. Putting prints all over the front, back, and arms. So she put a plan into effect.


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She ordered two custom jackets. One for her and one for her nine-year-old sister. Covering the jacket with phrases like “no photos”, “no videos”, “I do not consent to be photographed”, “respect my privacy”, “no cameras”, and finally “no profiting off my image”.


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The idea was that their mother couldn’t take good looking pictures or even candid ones with them in the hoodies. As it would show her followers the message that her kid really did not want to be photographed.


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Their mother was very angry whenever the jackets showed up. Especially when she started to wear it. Her mother claimed that she just wanted to remember their younger years. Now saying she won’t post photos without her consent first.


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What she thought would be a good change to create mutual respect turned into the opposite. Her mother was now pressuring her by “negotiating” with her. Saying this was how she made her income so if she wanted something, she would have to “stop complaining”.

Posting Anyway

Puzzled young adult woman with arms out, shrugging her shoulders
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If she couldn’t get her daughter to “negotiate” with her, she would post pictures anyway. When she confronted her mom she would come up with excuses. Thinking it was fine since her face wasn’t in the pictures or she was just in the background.

Fed Up

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She became increasingly fed up with her mothers antics. Upset with her mother she began wearing the jacket everyday. Beginning to argue with her mom as she wouldn’t take it off for any events or special occasions.

Public Backlash

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Her mother actually went as far as to write on her blog about her daughter no longer wishing to be photographed or written about. Telling the public all the reasons why she “can’t do that”.

Blow Up

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The story blew up and not in the way her mother had hoped. With commenters world wide chewing her out for not respecting her daughters wishes telling the mother that she needs to grow up. With allegations of emotional abuse rising.


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The two eventually came to a “compromise” if you can call it that. Telling her daughter her real name will not be used, and she agreed to describe to her daughter what she was writing about if it involved her. Her daughter also has the power to veto photos of herself that she doesn’t like.

This Did Not Fix Her Reputation

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In an attempt to fix her reputation she posted about this compromise between her and her daughter. However, this did not fix her reputation. To this day she is still facing backlash, as well as her social presence has taken a huge dive as people refuse to look at her content.